umr-lops / xsar

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Level-1 GRD python mapper for efficient xarray/dask based processing
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allow projection from rasterfile to xsar dataset (ecmwf, ice, etc ...) #30

Closed oarcher closed 2 years ago

oarcher commented 2 years ago

We can currently add masks from shapefiles to the dataset with

we have also to provide a similar feature for raster files, like netcdf (ecmwf, ice, GEBCO, etc ...).

Each ancillary file should provide a regular lon/lat grid (ie EPSG:4326), or have a CRS from rasterio

If possible, we will also have to define a way to automatically generate the ancillary file name from the SAR date aquisition.

oarcher commented 2 years ago

@vincelhx , can you post here the draft code we made together to map ecmwf file to xsar dataset ?

Put also general overview figure comparison, and local ones that show pixel shift with sarwing

vincelhx commented 2 years ago

Below is a draft code for the add of ecmwf variables (i.e wind speed) into xsar dataset :

import xsar
import xarray as xr
import rioxarray 
import holoviews as hv
import datetime
filename = '/home/datawork-cersat-public/project/mpc-sentinel1/data/esa/sentinel-1a/L1/IW/S1A_IW_GRDH_1S/2021/252/S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20210909T130650_20210909T130715_039605_04AE83_C34F.SAFE'

sar_ds = xsar.open_dataset(filename, resolution='1000m')
ecwmf_file = '//home/datawork-cersat-public/provider/ecmwf/forecast/hourly/0100deg/netcdf_light/2021/252/'
ecmwf_ds = xr.open_dataset(ecwmf_file).isel(time=0)
ecmwf_ds.attrs['time'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ecmwf_ds.time.item() // 1000000000)
ecmwf_ds = ecmwf_ds.drop('time')
lon = sar_ds.longitude % 360
lat = sar_ds.latitude
U = ecmwf_ds['10U'].interp(Longitude=lon, Latitude=lat)
V = ecmwf_ds['10V'].interp(Longitude=lon, Latitude=lat)
windspeed = np.sqrt(U**2 + V**2)

sar_ds['ecmwf_windspeed'] = windspeed.drop(['Longitude','Latitude'])
sar_ds['ecmwf_windspeed'].attrs.update({k: ecmwf_ds.attrs[k] for k in ['title','institution','time']})
sar_ds['ecmwf_windspeed'].attrs['file'] = ecwmf_file

In order to check if ecmwf_windspeed is in accordance to sarwing_L2 owiEcmwfWindSpeed, we plotted a comparison :

L2_path  = "/home/datawork-cersat-public/cache/public/ftp/project/sarwing/processings/c39e79a/default/sentinel-1a/L1/IW/S1A_IW_GRDH_1S/2021/252/S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20210909T130650_20210909T130715_039605_04AE83_C34F.SAFE/"
L2_ds = xr.open_dataset(L2_path)
s1meta = xsar.Sentinel1Meta(filename)

#transform L2 (owiLon,owiLat) coords to (atracks,xtracks)
atracks_2D, xtracks_2D = s1meta.ll2coords(L2_ds['owiLon'],L2_ds['owiLat'])
atracks = np.round(np.mean(atracks_2D, axis=1)).astype(int)
xtracks = np.round(np.mean(xtracks_2D, axis=0)).astype(int)
L2_ds = L2_ds.rename(owiAzSize= "atrack",owiRaSize = "xtrack").assign_coords(atrack = atracks,xtrack = xtracks)
sar_ds["owiEcmwfWindSpeed"] = L2_ds.owiEcmwfWindSpeed.interp(atrack = sar_ds.atrack, xtrack = sar_ds.xtrack,method='nearest')   

display :

hv.Image(sar_ds.owiEcmwfWindSpeed).opts(cmap='jet',colorbar=True, title = "owiEcmwfWindSpeed") +  hv.Image(sar_ds.ecmwf_windspeed).opts(cmap='jet',colorbar=True,title="ecmwf_windspeed") + hv.Image(sar_ds.sigma0.isel(pol=0)).opts(cmap='gray') + hv.Image(sar_ds.owiEcmwfWindSpeed-sar_ds.ecmwf_windspeed).opts(cmap='jet',colorbar=True,title="owiEcmwfWindSpeed - ecmwf_windspeed")


display with zoom:

hv.Image(sar_ds.owiEcmwfWindSpeed).opts(cmap='jet',colorbar=True, title = "owiEcmwfWindSpeed",clim=(0,5)) +  hv.Image(sar_ds.ecmwf_windspeed).opts(cmap='jet',colorbar=True,title="ecmwf_windspeed",clim=(0,5)) + hv.Image(sar_ds.sigma0.isel(pol=0)).opts(cmap='gray') + hv.Image(sar_ds.owiEcmwfWindSpeed-sar_ds.ecmwf_windspeed).opts(cmap='jet',colorbar=True,title="owiEcmwfWindSpeed - ecmwf_windspeed")


Comments :

oarcher commented 2 years ago

As a first step, we will close this issue once the following is ok:

However, we will probably need further work:

oarcher commented 2 years ago


display with zoom:


@vincelhx , can you post here the same validation plot, after you updated your code from #32 ?

vincelhx commented 2 years ago

With @oarcher modifications, the code to load ecmwf variables to xsar dataset is simplified :


s1meta = xsar.Sentinel1Meta(filename)
sar_ds = xsar.open_dataset(s1meta, resolution='1000m')

leading to 3 new variables in the dataset: ecmwf_0100_1h_U10,ecmwf_0100_1h_V10 and ecmwf_0100_1h_WSPD.


Despite the new interpolation method RectBivariateSpline, hatchings are still visible on the difference between sarwing wind speed and wind speed we compute. We think that these hatchings are caused by a difference between our interpolation methods: the current one seems to be a cubic interpolation of an irregular grid to a regular grid.

While zooming on the minimum wind speed we observe that RectBivariateSpline interpolation increased the spatial difference between the 2 supposed eyes


On the same area, we used a different colorbar (cmap = "glasbey") to compare the 2 interpolations method around the eye. RectBivariateSpline interpolation makes more sense :
