umr-lops / xsar

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Level-1 GRD python mapper for efficient xarray/dask based processing
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link between DCE annotations and atrack/xtrack is missing #58

Closed agrouaze closed 1 year ago

agrouaze commented 2 years ago

As discussed between @oarcher and @agrouaze in March 2022, the link between the doppler centroid estimates and the image dimensions (atrack/xtrack) is absent for now. this issue is not addressed in the #51 by purpose. This link is not needed for now but for some reasons it could be interesting to get the doppler estimates for a specific piece of a SAR image. to do this link 2 approaches will be possible:


For now the link between the DCE given only along azimuth_time coordinates and the fine DCE given along the slant_range_time dimension is not clear with respect to the s1meta.geoloc['azimuth_time'] and s1meta.geoloc['slant_range_time'].

This issue should be addressed only if necessary and once sufficient knowledge on those information will be available.

agrouaze commented 1 year ago

So far, Doppler centroid annotations have been mapped like this:

├── DataTree('doppler_estimate')
│       Dimensions:                       (azimuthTime: 10, nb_fine_dce: 20)
│       Coordinates:
│         * azimuthTime                   (azimuthTime) datetime64[ns] 2018-01-01T03:...
│         * nb_fine_dce                   (nb_fine_dce) int64 0 1 2 3 4 ... 16 17 18 19
│       Data variables:
│           t0                            (azimuthTime) float64 0.005339 ... 0.005338
│           geometryDcPolynomial          (azimuthTime) object -0.612125 - 461.1503·x...
│           dataDcPolynomial              (azimuthTime) object 15.83866 - 32002.58·x¹...
│           fineDceAzimuthStartTime       (azimuthTime) datetime64[ns] 2018-01-01T03:...
│           fineDceAzimuthStopTime        (azimuthTime) datetime64[ns] 2018-01-01T03:...
│           dataDcRmsError                (azimuthTime) float64 7.03 5.025 ... 3.487
│           slantRangeTime                (azimuthTime, nb_fine_dce) float64 0.005345...
│           frequency                     (azimuthTime, nb_fine_dce) float64 15.66 .....
│           dataDcRmsErrorAboveThreshold  (azimuthTime) bool False False ... False False
│       Attributes:
│           history:  annotations

No feedback to change this xarray.Dataset -> I close this issue.