umts / ft-forms

Rails app for authenticated users to submit requests to Transit's field trip department.
MIT License
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Emails silently failing #176

Closed benmelz closed 2 years ago

benmelz commented 2 years ago

Submission emails delivery is failing without any indication (user interface indicates everything is fine, no exception emails either). The exact cause and nature of the problem is unknown.

This is pretty bad because submission data is pipelined directly to the emails and not saved anywhere. So, people are submitting requests thinking they're being process and FT never receives them. We might consider starting to store submission data. For the time being I was able to arduously recover submission data for ~the past 3/4 year by sifting through production log data, identifying request logs for the controller action, parsing request parameters and transforming them into CSV format for FT.

I'll leave the janky time-crunch script I slapped together to accomplish that here, just in case.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'active_support/all'
require 'csv'

LINE_REGEX = /I, \[(?<time>[^ ]+) [^ ]*\]  INFO -- : \[[^\[\]]*\] (?<content>.*)/
POST_REGEX = /Processing by FormsController#submit as HTML/
PARAM_REGEX = /Parameters: (?<params>.*)/
RESPONSE_KEY_REGEX = /(prompt|field)/
PROMPT_REGEX = /prompt_(\d+)/

def parse_submission(time, params)
  submission = {}
  params = eval(params).deep_symbolize_keys
  submission[:time] = Time.parse time
  submission[:first_name] = params[:user][:first_name]
  submission[:last_name] = params[:user][:last_name]
  submission[:email] = params[:user][:email]
  submission[:reply_to] = params[:reply_to]
  params[:responses].each do |key, value|
    match = PROMPT_REGEX.match key
    next unless match

    submission[value] = params[:responses][:"field_#{match[1]}"]

files = ([nil] + (1..26).to_a).map { |n| "production.log#{n && ".#{n}"}" }
submissions = []
files.each do |file|
  found = false do |line|
    line_match = LINE_REGEX.match line
    next unless line_match

    time = line_match['time']
    content = line_match['content']
    if found
      params_match = PARAM_REGEX.match content
      params = params_match['params']

      submissions << parse_submission(time, params)
      found = false
    elsif POST_REGEX =~ content
      found = true

headers = { |sub| sub.keys }.flatten.uniq"data.csv", "wb") do |csv|
  csv << headers
  submissions.sort_by { |submission| submission[:time] }.reverse.each do |submission|
    csv << { |header| submission[header] }
werebus commented 2 years ago

I'm somewhat convinced that this is related to the certificate problems on mailhub. And we didn't get any exceptions because:

As far as "storing", the quickest path towards I can see is converting FormDataParser to a model. Just ("just") serialize the @prompts and @responses.

That said, as discussed in today's standup. I agree that it's worth looking into what this application offers us that Google Forms doesn't.