umts / microservices-engine

Rails engine for attaching to our microservices and handling inter-service communication.
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Hashing security token #42

Open dfaulken opened 7 years ago

dfaulken commented 7 years ago

In order to not be sending security tokens over the air, which would enable anyone who intercepts them to impersonate the service they belong to, instead the security tokens will live locally with the router and with each service. When the service sends the checkin request, it will hash that request using the security token as a salt, and send the resulting hash along with the request.

The router will then do the same: use the security token to hash the request (minus the hash that came from the service), and compare the two hashes. They should match.

Thanks to @werebus for the suggestion.

dfaulken commented 7 years ago

This goes along with umts/microservices-router#22.

werebus commented 7 years ago

Maybe JWT is worth looking into?

require 'jwt'

data = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 'three'}

token = JWT.encode data, secret, 'HS256'
#=>  "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhIjoxLCJiIjoyLCJjIjoidGhyZWUifQ.PRXLDCr97fH132YvOjjYYgAoCm5kMSL8Q4wcmcbMo_w"

# transmit the token, on the other end:
JWT.decode token, secret, 'HS256'
#=> [{"a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>"three"}, {"typ"=>"JWT", "alg"=>"HS256"}]
dfaulken commented 7 years ago

Nice, thank you @werebus. This is perfect.