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Calipseo is FAO web- based platform for national Fisheries Authorities to streamline management of fisheries data and the production, analysis and reporting of fishery statistics.
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[CALR-71] Vessels QA module -New module #71

Closed eblondel closed 6 months ago

eblondel commented 6 months ago

Issue migrated from JIRA: https://sdlc.review.fao.org/jira/browse/CALR-71 Creator/Reporter: Emmanuel Blondel @eblondel Assignee: Brian Ojok @brianandy Priority: Medium Status: Done Date of creation: 2022-04-04T07:24:22.000+0000

A new module with prefix vessel_qa (Vessels quality assessment) should be designed. It will be listed as last module of the vessels module. This module aims to add a comprehensive view over quality assessment indicators performed on the vessel registry. For example we will check the number of vessels that miss an update of their 'name' (only identified with a reg number) after historical data recovery; or the number of vessels with missing characteristics, etc.

Module title: Vessel Quality Assessment

Module subtitle: Access quaility assessment indicators on the vessel registry

The content of module will be structured as vertical tabs (similar to what we have in vessel details, or logbook overview). Each vertical tab will be an indicator. The list of indicators to enable are:

1- Vessel names: Check names that are missing (for which we added a placeholder when recovering historical register). Add a table that discreminates those that are missing vs. those that are ok. You can use this SQL:

  {code:java} select 'to check' as ACTION, count() as COUNT from reg_vessels where NAME LIKE '%NAME%' union select 'ok' as ACTION, count() as COUNT from reg_vessels where NAME NOT LIKE '%NAME%' {code} We can add a 'valid' icon in green when ok, and an 'exclamation mark' icon in orange when to check.

2- Vessel ports: Check when reg port and home port are unknown. (Unknown is coded as 9999). Similar to the above we count vessels with unknown reg port vs. vessels with assigned reg port; same for home port. For each port type, create a a table with counting to check vs. ok. you can add a title for each table referring to Registration port vs. Home port.

These 2 QA indicators are a started, we will add more indicators later! Other JIRAs to follow

Files expected for the module inception:

For all static vocabulary please set it up in _vessel_qa_i18nen