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Path | Size |
lib/index.js | 410 B (0%) |
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) 97.56% compared to head (356f5c9
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This PR contains the following updates:
Release Notes
microsoft/TypeScript-DOM-Lib-Generator (@types/web)
### [`v0.0.127`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` ##### Non-value types - RequestInit - Added: `priority` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.126`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` No changes #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.125`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` #### New interfaces - `Highlight` - `HighlightRegistry` #### Modified - HTMLDetailsElement - Added: `name` - HTMLImageElement - Added: `fetchPriority` - HTMLLinkElement - Added: `fetchPriority` - HTMLScriptElement - Added: `fetchPriority` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.124`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` #### Modified - CSSStyleDeclaration - Removed: `speak` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.123`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` No changes #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.122`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` #### Modified - CSSStyleDeclaration - Added: `speak`, `textWrap` - Gamepad - Removed: `hapticActuators` - HTMLTemplateElement - Added: `shadowRootMode` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.121`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` ##### Non-value types - AuthenticationExtensionsClientInputs - Added: `minPinLength` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.120`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v0.0.119`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` #### Modified - CSSStyleDeclaration - Added: `offsetPosition` - SVGImageElement - Added: `crossOrigin` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.118`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` #### Modified - CSSRule - Added: `COUNTER_STYLE_RULE`, `FONT_FEATURE_VALUES_RULE` ##### Non-value types - GlobalEventHandlersEventMap - Added: `"beforetoggle"` - GlobalEventHandlers - Added: `onbeforetoggle` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.117`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` ##### Non-value types - ARIAMixin - Added: `ariaDescription` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.116`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` #### Modified - FontFace - Removed: `variant` - MouseEvent - Added: `layerX`, `layerY` - Notification - Added: `requireInteraction` ##### Non-value types - FontFaceDescriptors - Removed: `variant` - NotificationOptions - Removed: `actions`, `image`, `renotify`, `timestamp`, `vibrate` - RTCEncodedAudioFrameMetadata - Added: `payloadType`, `sequenceNumber` - RTCEncodedVideoFrameMetadata - Added: `contributingSources`, `payloadType`, `timestamp` - CanvasTextDrawingStyles - Added: `fontStretch`, `fontVariantCaps` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.115`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` #### Modified - CSSStyleDeclaration - Added: `baselineSource`, `offsetAnchor` - TextMetrics - Added: `alphabeticBaseline`, `emHeightAscent`, `emHeightDescent`, `hangingBaseline`, `ideographicBaseline` ##### Non-value types - RTCInboundRtpStreamStats - Added: `mid`, `trackIdentifier` - Removed: `kind` - RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats - Added: `rtxSsrc` - CanvasTextDrawingStyles - Added: `textRendering` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.114`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` #### Modified - Notification - Added: `badge` ##### Non-value types - CanvasTextDrawingStyles - Added: `letterSpacing`, `wordSpacing` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.113`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` #### New interfaces - `RTCRtpScriptTransform` #### Modified - RTCRtpReceiver - Added: `transform` - RTCRtpSender - Added: `transform` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.112`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` #### Modified - CSSStyleDeclaration - Added: `mathDepth` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.111`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` No changes #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.110`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` #### Modified - CSSStyleRule - Removed: `cssRules`, `deleteRule`, `insertRule` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.109`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` #### New interfaces - `AbortController` - `AbortSignal` - `AbstractRange` - `AnalyserNode` - `Animation` - `AnimationEffect` - `AnimationEvent` - `AnimationPlaybackEvent` - `AnimationTimeline` - `Attr` - `AudioBuffer` - `AudioBufferSourceNode` - `AudioContext` - `AudioDestinationNode` - `AudioListener` - `AudioNode` - `AudioParam` - `AudioParamMap` - `AudioProcessingEvent` - `AudioScheduledSourceNode` - `AudioWorklet` - `AudioWorkletNode` - `AuthenticatorAssertionResponse` - `AuthenticatorAttestationResponse` - `AuthenticatorResponse` - `BarProp` - `BaseAudioContext` - `BeforeUnloadEvent` - `BiquadFilterNode` - `Blob` - `BlobEvent` - `BroadcastChannel` - `ByteLengthQueuingStrategy` - `CDATASection` - `CSSAnimation` - `CSSConditionRule` - `CSSContainerRule` - `CSSCounterStyleRule` - `CSSFontFaceRule` - `CSSFontFeatureValuesRule` - `CSSFontPaletteValuesRule` - `CSSGroupingRule` - `CSSImageValue` - `CSSImportRule` - `CSSKeyframeRule` - `CSSKeyframesRule` - `CSSKeywordValue` - `CSSLayerBlockRule` - `CSSLayerStatementRule` - `CSSMathClamp` - `CSSMathInvert` - `CSSMathMax` - `CSSMathMin` - `CSSMathNegate` - `CSSMathProduct` - `CSSMathSum` - `CSSMathValue` - `CSSMatrixComponent` - `CSSMediaRule` - `CSSNamespaceRule` - `CSSNumericArray` - `CSSNumericValue` - `CSSPageRule` - `CSSPerspective` - `CSSPropertyRule` - `CSSRotate` - `CSSRule` - `CSSRuleList` - `CSSScale` - `CSSSkew` - `CSSSkewX` - `CSSSkewY` - `CSSStyleDeclaration` - `CSSStyleRule` - `CSSStyleSheet` - `CSSStyleValue` - `CSSSupportsRule` - `CSSTransformComponent` - `CSSTransformValue` - `CSSTransition` - `CSSTranslate` - `CSSUnitValue` - `CSSUnparsedValue` - `CSSVariableReferenceValue` - `Cache` - `CacheStorage` - `CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack` - `CanvasGradient` - `CanvasPattern` - `CanvasRenderingContext2D` - `ChannelMergerNode` - `ChannelSplitterNode` - `CharacterData` - `Clipboard` - `ClipboardEvent` - `ClipboardItem` - `CloseEvent` - `Comment` - `CompositionEvent` - `CompressionStream` - `ConstantSourceNode` - `ConvolverNode` - `CountQueuingStrategy` - `Credential` - `CredentialsContainer` - `Crypto` - `CryptoKey` - `CustomElementRegistry` - `CustomEvent` - `DOMException` - `DOMImplementation` - `DOMMatrix` - `DOMMatrixReadOnly` - `DOMParser` - `DOMPoint` - `DOMPointReadOnly` - `DOMQuad` - `DOMRect` - `DOMRectList` - `DOMRectReadOnly` - `DOMStringList` - `DOMStringMap` - `DOMTokenList` - `DataTransfer` - `DataTransferItem` - `DataTransferItemList` - `DecompressionStream` - `DelayNode` - `DeviceMotionEvent` - `DeviceOrientationEvent` - `Document` - `DocumentFragment` - `DocumentTimeline` - `DocumentType` - `DragEvent` - `DynamicsCompressorNode` - `Element` - `ElementInternals` - `EncodedVideoChunk` - `ErrorEvent` - `Event` - `EventCounts` - `EventSource` - `EventTarget` - `External` - `File` - `FileList` - `FileReader` - `FileSystem` - `FileSystemDirectoryEntry` - `FileSystemDirectoryHandle` - `FileSystemDirectoryReader` - `FileSystemEntry` - `FileSystemFileEntry` - `FileSystemFileHandle` - `FileSystemHandle` - `FileSystemWritableFileStream` - `FocusEvent` - `FontFace` - `FontFaceSet` - `FontFaceSetLoadEvent` - `FormData` - `FormDataEvent` - `GainNode` - `Gamepad` - `GamepadButton` - `GamepadEvent` - `GamepadHapticActuator` - `Geolocation` - `GeolocationCoordinates` - `GeolocationPosition` - `GeolocationPositionError` - `HTMLAllCollection` - `HTMLAnchorElement` - `HTMLAreaElement` - `HTMLAudioElement` - `HTMLBRElement` - `HTMLBaseElement` - `HTMLBodyElement` - `HTMLButtonElement` - `HTMLCanvasElement` - `HTMLCollection` - `HTMLDListElement` - `HTMLDataElement` - `HTMLDataListElement` - `HTMLDetailsElement` - `HTMLDialogElement` - `HTMLDirectoryElement` - `HTMLDivElement` - `HTMLDocument` - `HTMLElement` - `HTMLEmbedElement` - `HTMLFieldSetElement` - `HTMLFontElement` - `HTMLFormControlsCollection` - `HTMLFormElement` - `HTMLFrameElement` - `HTMLFrameSetElement` - `HTMLHRElement` - `HTMLHeadElement` - `HTMLHeadingElement` - `HTMLHtmlElement` - `HTMLIFrameElement` - `HTMLImageElement` - `HTMLInputElement` - `HTMLLIElement` - `HTMLLabelElement` - `HTMLLegendElement` - `HTMLLinkElement` - `HTMLMapElement` - `HTMLMarqueeElement` - `HTMLMediaElement` - `HTMLMenuElement` - `HTMLMetaElement` - `HTMLMeterElement` - `HTMLModElement` - `HTMLOListElement` - `HTMLObjectElement` - `HTMLOptGroupElement` - `HTMLOptionElement` - `HTMLOptionsCollection` - `HTMLOutputElement` - `HTMLParagraphElement` - `HTMLParamElement` - `HTMLPictureElement` - `HTMLPreElement` - `HTMLProgressElement` - `HTMLQuoteElement` - `HTMLScriptElement` - `HTMLSelectElement` - `HTMLSlotElement` - `HTMLSourceElement` - `HTMLSpanElement` - `HTMLStyleElement` - `HTMLTableCaptionElement` - `HTMLTableCellElement` - `HTMLTableColElement` - `HTMLTableElement` - `HTMLTableRowElement` - `HTMLTableSectionElement` - `HTMLTemplateElement` - `HTMLTextAreaElement` - `HTMLTimeElement` - `HTMLTitleElement` - `HTMLTrackElement` - `HTMLUListElement` - `HTMLUnknownElement` - `HTMLVideoElement` - `HashChangeEvent` - `Headers` - `History` - `IDBCursor` - `IDBCursorWithValue` - `IDBDatabase` - `IDBFactory` - `IDBIndex` - `IDBKeyRange` - `IDBObjectStore` - `IDBOpenDBRequest` - `IDBRequest` - `IDBTransaction` - `IDBVersionChangeEvent` - `IIRFilterNode` - `IdleDeadline` - `ImageBitmap` - `ImageBitmapRenderingContext` - `ImageData` - `InputDeviceInfo` - `InputEvent` - `IntersectionObserver` - `IntersectionObserverEntry` - `KeyboardEvent` - `KeyframeEffect` - `Location` - `Lock` - `LockManager` - `MIDIAccess` - `MIDIConnectionEvent` - `MIDIInput` - `MIDIInputMap` - `MIDIMessageEvent` - `MIDIOutput` - `MIDIOutputMap` - `MIDIPort` - `MathMLElement` - `MediaCapabilities` - `MediaDeviceInfo` - `MediaDevices` - `MediaElementAudioSourceNode` - `MediaEncryptedEvent` - `MediaError` - `MediaKeyMessageEvent` - `MediaKeySession` - `MediaKeyStatusMap` - `MediaKeySystemAccess` - `MediaKeys` - `MediaList` - `MediaMetadata` - `MediaQueryList` - `MediaQueryListEvent` - `MediaRecorder` - `MediaSession` - `MediaSource` - `MediaStream` - `MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode` - `MediaStreamAudioSourceNode` - `MediaStreamTrack` - `MediaStreamTrackEvent` - `MessageChannel` - `MessageEvent` - `MessagePort` - `MimeType` - `MimeTypeArray` - `MouseEvent` - `MutationEvent` - `MutationObserver` - `MutationRecord` - `NamedNodeMap` - `NavigationPreloadManager` - `Navigator` - `Node` - `NodeIterator` - `NodeList` - `Notification` - `OfflineAudioCompletionEvent` - `OfflineAudioContext` - `OffscreenCanvas` - `OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D` - `OscillatorNode` - `OverconstrainedError` - `PageTransitionEvent` - `PannerNode` - `Path2D` - `PaymentMethodChangeEvent` - `PaymentRequest` - `PaymentRequestUpdateEvent` - `PaymentResponse` - `Performance` - `PerformanceEntry` - `PerformanceEventTiming` - `PerformanceMark` - `PerformanceMeasure` - `PerformanceNavigation` - `PerformanceNavigationTiming` - `PerformanceObserver` - `PerformanceObserverEntryList` - `PerformancePaintTiming` - `PerformanceResourceTiming` - `PerformanceServerTiming` - `PerformanceTiming` - `PeriodicWave` - `PermissionStatus` - `Permissions` - `PictureInPictureEvent` - `PictureInPictureWindow` - `Plugin` - `PluginArray` - `PointerEvent` - `PopStateEvent` - `ProcessingInstruction` - `ProgressEvent` - `PromiseRejectionEvent` - `PublicKeyCredential` - `PushManager` - `PushSubscription` - `PushSubscriptionOptions` - `RTCCertificate` - `RTCDTMFSender` - `RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent` - `RTCDataChannel` - `RTCDataChannelEvent` - `RTCDtlsTransport` - `RTCEncodedAudioFrame` - `RTCEncodedVideoFrame` - `RTCError` - `RTCErrorEvent` - `RTCIceCandidate` - `RTCIceTransport` - `RTCPeerConnection` - `RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent` - `RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent` - `RTCRtpReceiver` - `RTCRtpSender` - `RTCRtpTransceiver` - `RTCSctpTransport` - `RTCSessionDescription` - `RTCStatsReport` - `RTCTrackEvent` - `RadioNodeList` - `Range` - `ReadableByteStreamController` - `ReadableStream` - `ReadableStreamBYOBReader` - `ReadableStreamBYOBRequest` - `ReadableStreamDefaultController` - `ReadableStreamDefaultReader` - `RemotePlayback` - `Report` - `ReportBody` - `ReportingObserver` - `Request` - `ResizeObserver` - `ResizeObserverEntry` - `ResizeObserverSize` - `Response` - `SVGAElement` - `SVGAngle` - `SVGAnimateElement` - `SVGAnimateMotionElement` - `SVGAnimateTransformElement` - `SVGAnimatedAngle` - `SVGAnimatedBoolean` - `SVGAnimatedEnumeration` - `SVGAnimatedInteger` - `SVGAnimatedLength` - `SVGAnimatedLengthList` - `SVGAnimatedNumber` - `SVGAnimatedNumberList` - `SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio` - `SVGAnimatedRect` - `SVGAnimatedString` - `SVGAnimatedTransformList` - `SVGAnimationElement` - `SVGCircleElement` - `SVGClipPathElement` - `SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement` - `SVGDefsElement` - `SVGDescElement` - `SVGElement` - `SVGEllipseElement` - `SVGFEBlendElement` - `SVGFEColorMatrixElement` - `SVGFEComponentTransferElement` - `SVGFECompositeElement` - `SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement` - `SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement` - `SVGFEDisplacementMapElement` - `SVGFEDistantLightElement` - `SVGFEDropShadowElement` - `SVGFEFloodElement` - `SVGFEFuncAElement` - `SVGFEFuncBElement` - `SVGFEFuncGElement` - `SVGFEFuncRElement` - `SVGFEGaussianBlurElement` - `SVGFEImageElement` - `SVGFEMergeElement` - `SVGFEMergeNodeElement` - `SVGFEMorphologyElement` - `SVGFEOffsetElement` - `SVGFEPointLightElement` - `SVGFESpecularLightingElement` - `SVGFESpotLightElement` - `SVGFETileElement` - `SVGFETurbulenceElement` - `SVGFilterElement` - `SVGForeignObjectElement` - `SVGGElement` - `SVGGeometryElement` - `SVGGradientElement` - `SVGGraphicsElement` - `SVGImageElement` - `SVGLength` - `SVGLengthList` - `SVGLineElement` - `SVGLinearGradientElement` - `SVGMPathElement` - `SVGMarkerElement` - `SVGMaskElement` - `SVGMetadataElement` - `SVGNumber` - `SVGNumberList` - `SVGPathElement` - `SVGPatternElement` - `SVGPointList` - `SVGPolygonElement` - `SVGPolylineElement` - `SVGPreserveAspectRatio` - `SVGRadialGradientElement` - `SVGRectElement` - `SVGSVGElement` - `SVGScriptElement` - `SVGSetElement` - `SVGStopElement` - `SVGStringList` - `SVGStyleElement` - `SVGSwitchElement` - `SVGSymbolElement` - `SVGTSpanElement` - `SVGTextContentElement` - `SVGTextElement` - `SVGTextPathElement` - `SVGTextPositioningElement` - `SVGTitleElement` - `SVGTransform` - `SVGTransformList` - `SVGUnitTypes` - `SVGUseElement` - `SVGViewElement` - `Screen` - `ScreenOrientation` - `ScriptProcessorNode` - `SecurityPolicyViolationEvent` - `Selection` - `ServiceWorker` - `ServiceWorkerContainer` - `ServiceWorkerRegistration` - `ShadowRoot` - `SharedWorker` - `SourceBuffer` - `SourceBufferList` - `SpeechRecognitionAlternative` - `SpeechRecognitionResult` - `SpeechRecognitionResultList` - `SpeechSynthesis` - `SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent` - `SpeechSynthesisEvent` - `SpeechSynthesisUtterance` - `SpeechSynthesisVoice` - `StaticRange` - `StereoPannerNode` - `Storage` - `StorageEvent` - `StorageManager` - `StylePropertyMap` - `StylePropertyMapReadOnly` - `StyleSheet` - `StyleSheetList` - `SubmitEvent` - `SubtleCrypto` - `Text` - `TextDecoder` - `TextDecoderStream` - `TextEncoder` - `TextEncoderStream` - `TextMetrics` - `TextTrack` - `TextTrackCue` - `TextTrackCueList` - `TextTrackList` - `TimeRanges` - `ToggleEvent` - `Touch` - `TouchEvent` - `TouchList` - `TrackEvent` - `TransformStream` - `TransformStreamDefaultController` - `TransitionEvent` - `TreeWalker` - `UIEvent` - `URL` - `URLSearchParams` - `UserActivation` - `VTTCue` - `VTTRegion` - `ValidityState` - `VideoColorSpace` - `VideoDecoder` - `VideoEncoder` - `VideoFrame` - `VideoPlaybackQuality` - `VisualViewport` - `WakeLock` - `WakeLockSentinel` - `WaveShaperNode` - `WebGL2RenderingContext` - `WebGLActiveInfo` - `WebGLBuffer` - `WebGLContextEvent` - `WebGLFramebuffer` - `WebGLProgram` - `WebGLQuery` - `WebGLRenderbuffer` - `WebGLRenderingContext` - `WebGLSampler` - `WebGLShader` - `WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat` - `WebGLSync` - `WebGLTexture` - `WebGLTransformFeedback` - `WebGLUniformLocation` - `WebGLVertexArrayObject` - `WebSocket` - `WebTransport` - `WebTransportBidirectionalStream` - `WebTransportDatagramDuplexStream` - `WebTransportError` - `WheelEvent` - `Window` - `Worker` - `Worklet` - `WritableStream` - `WritableStreamDefaultController` - `WritableStreamDefaultWriter` - `XMLDocument` - `XMLHttpRequest` - `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget` - `XMLHttpRequestUpload` - `XMLSerializer` - `XPathEvaluator` - `XPathExpression` - `XPathResult` - `XSLTProcessor` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.108`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` #### New interfaces - `AbortController` - `AbortSignal` - `AbstractRange` - `AnalyserNode` - `Animation` - `AnimationEffect` - `AnimationEvent` - `AnimationPlaybackEvent` - `AnimationTimeline` - `Attr` - `AudioBuffer` - `AudioBufferSourceNode` - `AudioContext` - `AudioDestinationNode` - `AudioListener` - `AudioNode` - `AudioParam` - `AudioParamMap` - `AudioProcessingEvent` - `AudioScheduledSourceNode` - `AudioWorklet` - `AudioWorkletNode` - `AuthenticatorAssertionResponse` - `AuthenticatorAttestationResponse` - `AuthenticatorResponse` - `BarProp` - `BaseAudioContext` - `BeforeUnloadEvent` - `BiquadFilterNode` - `Blob` - `BlobEvent` - `BroadcastChannel` - `ByteLengthQueuingStrategy` - `CDATASection` - `CSSAnimation` - `CSSConditionRule` - `CSSContainerRule` - `CSSCounterStyleRule` - `CSSFontFaceRule` - `CSSFontFeatureValuesRule` - `CSSFontPaletteValuesRule` - `CSSGroupingRule` - `CSSImageValue` - `CSSImportRule` - `CSSKeyframeRule` - `CSSKeyframesRule` - `CSSKeywordValue` - `CSSLayerBlockRule` - `CSSLayerStatementRule` - `CSSMathClamp` - `CSSMathInvert` - `CSSMathMax` - `CSSMathMin` - `CSSMathNegate` - `CSSMathProduct` - `CSSMathSum` - `CSSMathValue` - `CSSMatrixComponent` - `CSSMediaRule` - `CSSNamespaceRule` - `CSSNumericArray` - `CSSNumericValue` - `CSSPageRule` - `CSSPerspective` - `CSSPropertyRule` - `CSSRotate` - `CSSRule` - `CSSRuleList` - `CSSScale` - `CSSSkew` - `CSSSkewX` - `CSSSkewY` - `CSSStyleDeclaration` - `CSSStyleRule` - `CSSStyleSheet` - `CSSStyleValue` - `CSSSupportsRule` - `CSSTransformComponent` - `CSSTransformValue` - `CSSTransition` - `CSSTranslate` - `CSSUnitValue` - `CSSUnparsedValue` - `CSSVariableReferenceValue` - `Cache` - `CacheStorage` - `CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack` - `CanvasGradient` - `CanvasPattern` - `CanvasRenderingContext2D` - `ChannelMergerNode` - `ChannelSplitterNode` - `CharacterData` - `Clipboard` - `ClipboardEvent` - `ClipboardItem` - `CloseEvent` - `Comment` - `CompositionEvent` - `CompressionStream` - `ConstantSourceNode` - `ConvolverNode` - `CountQueuingStrategy` - `Credential` - `CredentialsContainer` - `Crypto` - `CryptoKey` - `CustomElementRegistry` - `CustomEvent` - `DOMException` - `DOMImplementation` - `DOMMatrix` - `DOMMatrixReadOnly` - `DOMParser` - `DOMPoint` - `DOMPointReadOnly` - `DOMQuad` - `DOMRect` - `DOMRectList` - `DOMRectReadOnly` - `DOMStringList` - `DOMStringMap` - `DOMTokenList` - `DataTransfer` - `DataTransferItem` - `DataTransferItemList` - `DecompressionStream` - `DelayNode` - `DeviceMotionEvent` - `DeviceOrientationEvent` - `Document` - `DocumentFragment` - `DocumentTimeline` - `DocumentType` - `DragEvent` - `DynamicsCompressorNode` - `Element` - `ElementInternals` - `EncodedVideoChunk` - `ErrorEvent` - `Event` - `EventCounts` - `EventSource` - `EventTarget` - `External` - `File` - `FileList` - `FileReader` - `FileSystem` - `FileSystemDirectoryEntry` - `FileSystemDirectoryHandle` - `FileSystemDirectoryReader` - `FileSystemEntry` - `FileSystemFileEntry` - `FileSystemFileHandle` - `FileSystemHandle` - `FileSystemWritableFileStream` - `FocusEvent` - `FontFace` - `FontFaceSet` - `FontFaceSetLoadEvent` - `FormData` - `FormDataEvent` - `GainNode` - `Gamepad` - `GamepadButton` - `GamepadEvent` - `GamepadHapticActuator` - `Geolocation` - `GeolocationCoordinates` - `GeolocationPosition` - `GeolocationPositionError` - `HTMLAllCollection` - `HTMLAnchorElement` - `HTMLAreaElement` - `HTMLAudioElement` - `HTMLBRElement` - `HTMLBaseElement` - `HTMLBodyElement` - `HTMLButtonElement` - `HTMLCanvasElement` - `HTMLCollection` - `HTMLDListElement` - `HTMLDataElement` - `HTMLDataListElement` - `HTMLDetailsElement` - `HTMLDialogElement` - `HTMLDirectoryElement` - `HTMLDivElement` - `HTMLDocument` - `HTMLElement` - `HTMLEmbedElement` - `HTMLFieldSetElement` - `HTMLFontElement` - `HTMLFormControlsCollection` - `HTMLFormElement` - `HTMLFrameElement` - `HTMLFrameSetElement` - `HTMLHRElement` - `HTMLHeadElement` - `HTMLHeadingElement` - `HTMLHtmlElement` - `HTMLIFrameElement` - `HTMLImageElement` - `HTMLInputElement` - `HTMLLIElement` - `HTMLLabelElement` - `HTMLLegendElement` - `HTMLLinkElement` - `HTMLMapElement` - `HTMLMarqueeElement` - `HTMLMediaElement` - `HTMLMenuElement` - `HTMLMetaElement` - `HTMLMeterElement` - `HTMLModElement` - `HTMLOListElement` - `HTMLObjectElement` - `HTMLOptGroupElement` - `HTMLOptionElement` - `HTMLOptionsCollection` - `HTMLOutputElement` - `HTMLParagraphElement` - `HTMLParamElement` - `HTMLPictureElement` - `HTMLPreElement` - `HTMLProgressElement` - `HTMLQuoteElement` - `HTMLScriptElement` - `HTMLSelectElement` - `HTMLSlotElement` - `HTMLSourceElement` - `HTMLSpanElement` - `HTMLStyleElement` - `HTMLTableCaptionElement` - `HTMLTableCellElement` - `HTMLTableColElement` - `HTMLTableElement` - `HTMLTableRowElement` - `HTMLTableSectionElement` - `HTMLTemplateElement` - `HTMLTextAreaElement` - `HTMLTimeElement` - `HTMLTitleElement` - `HTMLTrackElement` - `HTMLUListElement` - `HTMLUnknownElement` - `HTMLVideoElement` - `HashChangeEvent` - `Headers` - `History` - `IDBCursor` - `IDBCursorWithValue` - `IDBDatabase` - `IDBFactory` - `IDBIndex` - `IDBKeyRange` - `IDBObjectStore` - `IDBOpenDBRequest` - `IDBRequest` - `IDBTransaction` - `IDBVersionChangeEvent` - `IIRFilterNode` - `IdleDeadline` - `ImageBitmap` - `ImageBitmapRenderingContext` - `ImageData` - `InputDeviceInfo` - `InputEvent` - `IntersectionObserver` - `IntersectionObserverEntry` - `KeyboardEvent` - `KeyframeEffect` - `Location` - `Lock` - `LockManager` - `MIDIAccess` - `MIDIConnectionEvent` - `MIDIInput` - `MIDIInputMap` - `MIDIMessageEvent` - `MIDIOutput` - `MIDIOutputMap` - `MIDIPort` - `MathMLElement` - `MediaCapabilities` - `MediaDeviceInfo` - `MediaDevices` - `MediaElementAudioSourceNode` - `MediaEncryptedEvent` - `MediaError` - `MediaKeyMessageEvent` - `MediaKeySession` - `MediaKeyStatusMap` - `MediaKeySystemAccess` - `MediaKeys` - `MediaList` - `MediaMetadata` - `MediaQueryList` - `MediaQueryListEvent` - `MediaRecorder` - `MediaSession` - `MediaSource` - `MediaStream` - `MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode` - `MediaStreamAudioSourceNode` - `MediaStreamTrack` - `MediaStreamTrackEvent` - `MessageChannel` - `MessageEvent` - `MessagePort` - `MimeType` - `MimeTypeArray` - `MouseEvent` - `MutationEvent` - `MutationObserver` - `MutationRecord` - `NamedNodeMap` - `NavigationPreloadManager` - `Navigator` - `Node` - `NodeIterator` - `NodeList` - `Notification` - `OfflineAudioCompletionEvent` - `OfflineAudioContext` - `OffscreenCanvas` - `OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D` - `OscillatorNode` - `OverconstrainedError` - `PageTransitionEvent` - `PannerNode` - `Path2D` - `PaymentMethodChangeEvent` - `PaymentRequest` - `PaymentRequestUpdateEvent` - `PaymentResponse` - `Performance` - `PerformanceEntry` - `PerformanceEventTiming` - `PerformanceMark` - `PerformanceMeasure` - `PerformanceNavigation` - `PerformanceNavigationTiming` - `PerformanceObserver` - `PerformanceObserverEntryList` - `PerformancePaintTiming` - `PerformanceResourceTiming` - `PerformanceServerTiming` - `PerformanceTiming` - `PeriodicWave` - `PermissionStatus` - `Permissions` - `PictureInPictureEvent` - `PictureInPictureWindow` - `Plugin` - `PluginArray` - `PointerEvent` - `PopStateEvent` - `ProcessingInstruction` - `ProgressEvent` - `PromiseRejectionEvent` - `PublicKeyCredential` - `PushManager` - `PushSubscription` - `PushSubscriptionOptions` - `RTCCertificate` - `RTCDTMFSender` - `RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent` - `RTCDataChannel` - `RTCDataChannelEvent` - `RTCDtlsTransport` - `RTCEncodedAudioFrame` - `RTCEncodedVideoFrame` - `RTCError` - `RTCErrorEvent` - `RTCIceCandidate` - `RTCIceTransport` - `RTCPeerConnection` - `RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent` - `RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent` - `RTCRtpReceiver` - `RTCRtpSender` - `RTCRtpTransceiver` - `RTCSctpTransport` - `RTCSessionDescription` - `RTCStatsReport` - `RTCTrackEvent` - `RadioNodeList` - `Range` - `ReadableByteStreamController` - `ReadableStream` - `ReadableStreamBYOBReader` - `ReadableStreamBYOBRequest` - `ReadableStreamDefaultController` - `ReadableStreamDefaultReader` - `RemotePlayback` - `Report` - `ReportBody` - `ReportingObserver` - `Request` - `ResizeObserver` - `ResizeObserverEntry` - `ResizeObserverSize` - `Response` - `SVGAElement` - `SVGAngle` - `SVGAnimateElement` - `SVGAnimateMotionElement` - `SVGAnimateTransformElement` - `SVGAnimatedAngle` - `SVGAnimatedBoolean` - `SVGAnimatedEnumeration` - `SVGAnimatedInteger` - `SVGAnimatedLength` - `SVGAnimatedLengthList` - `SVGAnimatedNumber` - `SVGAnimatedNumberList` - `SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio` - `SVGAnimatedRect` - `SVGAnimatedString` - `SVGAnimatedTransformList` - `SVGAnimationElement` - `SVGCircleElement` - `SVGClipPathElement` - `SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement` - `SVGDefsElement` - `SVGDescElement` - `SVGElement` - `SVGEllipseElement` - `SVGFEBlendElement` - `SVGFEColorMatrixElement` - `SVGFEComponentTransferElement` - `SVGFECompositeElement` - `SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement` - `SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement` - `SVGFEDisplacementMapElement` - `SVGFEDistantLightElement` - `SVGFEDropShadowElement` - `SVGFEFloodElement` - `SVGFEFuncAElement` - `SVGFEFuncBElement` - `SVGFEFuncGElement` - `SVGFEFuncRElement` - `SVGFEGaussianBlurElement` - `SVGFEImageElement` - `SVGFEMergeElement` - `SVGFEMergeNodeElement` - `SVGFEMorphologyElement` - `SVGFEOffsetElement` - `SVGFEPointLightElement` - `SVGFESpecularLightingElement` - `SVGFESpotLightElement` - `SVGFETileElement` - `SVGFETurbulenceElement` - `SVGFilterElement` - `SVGForeignObjectElement` - `SVGGElement` - `SVGGeometryElement` - `SVGGradientElement` - `SVGGraphicsElement` - `SVGImageElement` - `SVGLength` - `SVGLengthList` - `SVGLineElement` - `SVGLinearGradientElement` - `SVGMPathElement` - `SVGMarkerElement` - `SVGMaskElement` - `SVGMetadataElement` - `SVGNumber` - `SVGNumberList` - `SVGPathElement` - `SVGPatternElement` - `SVGPointList` - `SVGPolygonElement` - `SVGPolylineElement` - `SVGPreserveAspectRatio` - `SVGRadialGradientElement` - `SVGRectElement` - `SVGSVGElement` - `SVGScriptElement` - `SVGSetElement` - `SVGStopElement` - `SVGStringList` - `SVGStyleElement` - `SVGSwitchElement` - `SVGSymbolElement` - `SVGTSpanElement` - `SVGTextContentElement` - `SVGTextElement` - `SVGTextPathElement` - `SVGTextPositioningElement` - `SVGTitleElement` - `SVGTransform` - `SVGTransformList` - `SVGUnitTypes` - `SVGUseElement` - `SVGViewElement` - `Screen` - `ScreenOrientation` - `ScriptProcessorNode` - `SecurityPolicyViolationEvent` - `Selection` - `ServiceWorker` - `ServiceWorkerContainer` - `ServiceWorkerRegistration` - `ShadowRoot` - `SharedWorker` - `SourceBuffer` - `SourceBufferList` - `SpeechRecognitionAlternative` - `SpeechRecognitionResult` - `SpeechRecognitionResultList` - `SpeechSynthesis` - `SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent` - `SpeechSynthesisEvent` - `SpeechSynthesisUtterance` - `SpeechSynthesisVoice` - `StaticRange` - `StereoPannerNode` - `Storage` - `StorageEvent` - `StorageManager` - `StylePropertyMap` - `StylePropertyMapReadOnly` - `StyleSheet` - `StyleSheetList` - `SubmitEvent` - `SubtleCrypto` - `Text` - `TextDecoder` - `TextDecoderStream` - `TextEncoder` - `TextEncoderStream` - `TextMetrics` - `TextTrack` - `TextTrackCue` - `TextTrackCueList` - `TextTrackList` - `TimeRanges` - `ToggleEvent` - `Touch` - `TouchEvent` - `TouchList` - `TrackEvent` - `TransformStream` - `TransformStreamDefaultController` - `TransitionEvent` - `TreeWalker` - `UIEvent` - `URL` - `URLSearchParams` - `UserActivation` - `VTTCue` - `VTTRegion` - `ValidityState` - `VideoColorSpace` - `VideoDecoder` - `VideoEncoder` - `VideoFrame` - `VideoPlaybackQuality` - `VisualViewport` - `WakeLock` - `WakeLockSentinel` - `WaveShaperNode` - `WebGL2RenderingContext` - `WebGLActiveInfo` - `WebGLBuffer` - `WebGLContextEvent` - `WebGLFramebuffer` - `WebGLProgram` - `WebGLQuery` - `WebGLRenderbuffer` - `WebGLRenderingContext` - `WebGLSampler` - `WebGLShader` - `WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat` - `WebGLSync` - `WebGLTexture` - `WebGLTransformFeedback` - `WebGLUniformLocation` - `WebGLVertexArrayObject` - `WebSocket` - `WebTransport` - `WebTransportBidirectionalStream` - `WebTransportDatagramDuplexStream` - `WebTransportError` - `WheelEvent` - `Window` - `Worker` - `Worklet` - `WritableStream` - `WritableStreamDefaultController` - `WritableStreamDefaultWriter` - `XMLDocument` - `XMLHttpRequest` - `XMLHttpRequestEventTarget` - `XMLHttpRequestUpload` - `XMLSerializer` - `XPathEvaluator` - `XPathExpression` - `XPathResult` - `XSLTProcessor` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.107`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` No changes #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.106`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` No changes #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.105`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` #### Modified - HTMLMediaElement - Added: `sinkId`, `setSinkId` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.104`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` #### Modified - CustomElementRegistry - Added: `getName` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.103`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` No changes #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.102`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` No changes #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.101`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` ##### Non-value types - GlobalEventHandlersEventMap - Added: `"scrollend"` - GlobalEventHandlers - Added: `onscrollend` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.100`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` #### New interfaces - `ToggleEvent` - `WebTransport` - `WebTransportBidirectionalStream` - `WebTransportDatagramDuplexStream` - `WebTransportError` #### Modified - CSSKeyframesRule - Added: `length` - CSSStyleDeclaration - Added: `animationComposition`, `forcedColorAdjust` - CSSStyleRule - Added: `cssRules`, `deleteRule`, `insertRule` - ClipboardItem - Removed: `presentationStyle` - HTMLElement - Added: `popover`, `hidePopover`, `showPopover`, `togglePopover` - Headers - Added: `getSetCookie` - InputDeviceInfo - Added: `getCapabilities` - Notification - Added: `silent` - ScreenOrientation - Removed: `lock` - URLSearchParams - Added: `size` ##### Non-value types - KeyframeAnimationOptions - Added: `timeline` - RTCEncodedVideoFrameMetadata - Removed: `contributingSources` - RTCRtpCodecCapability - Removed: `channels`, `clockRate`, `mimeType`, `sdpFmtpLine` - RTCRtpCodecParameters - Removed: `channels`, `clockRate`, `mimeType`, `sdpFmtpLine` - CanvasState - Added: `reset` - HTMLElementTagNameMap - Added: `"search"` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.99`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` No changes #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.98`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` #### New interfaces - `FileSystemWritableFileStream` #### Modified - CSSContainerRule - Added: `containerName`, `containerQuery` - FileSystemFileHandle - Added: `createWritable` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.97`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` #### Modified - CSSStyleDeclaration - Added: `page` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.96`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` No changes #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.95`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` #### New interfaces - `CSSImageValue` - `CSSKeywordValue` - `CSSMathClamp` - `CSSMathInvert` - `CSSMathMax` - `CSSMathMin` - `CSSMathNegate` - `CSSMathProduct` - `CSSMathSum` - `CSSMathValue` - `CSSMatrixComponent` - `CSSNumericArray` - `CSSNumericValue` - `CSSPerspective` - `CSSPropertyRule` - `CSSRotate` - `CSSScale` - `CSSSkew` - `CSSSkewX` - `CSSSkewY` - `CSSStyleValue` - `CSSTransformComponent` - `CSSTransformValue` - `CSSTranslate` - `CSSUnitValue` - `CSSUnparsedValue` - `CSSVariableReferenceValue` - `CompressionStream` - `DecompressionStream` - `EncodedVideoChunk` - `Report` - `ReportBody` - `ReportingObserver` - `StylePropertyMap` - `StylePropertyMapReadOnly` - `UserActivation` - `VideoDecoder` - `VideoEncoder` - `VideoFrame` - `WakeLock` - `WakeLockSentinel` #### Modified - CSSStyleDeclaration - Added: `fontSynthesisSmallCaps`, `fontSynthesisStyle`, `fontSynthesisWeight` - CSSStyleRule - Added: `styleMap` - Element - Added: `computedStyleMap` - Gamepad - Added: `vibrationActuator` - GamepadHapticActuator - Added: `playEffect`, `reset` - HTMLIFrameElement - Added: `loading` - Navigator - Added: `userActivation`, `wakeLock` - RTCIceTransport - Added: `onselectedcandidatepairchange`, `getSelectedCandidatePair` ##### Non-value types - ElementCSSInlineStyle - Added: `attributeStyleMap` - RTCIceTransportEventMap - Added: `"selectedcandidatepairchange"` - WebGLRenderingContextBase - Added: `drawingBufferColorSpace` #### `iterable.d.ts` No changes ### [`v0.0.94`]( [Compare Source]( #### `index.d.ts` No changes #### `iterable.d.ts` No changesConfiguration
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