un1tz3r0 / controlnetvideo

Apply controlnet to video clips
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Improve performance #3

Open sboal94 opened 1 year ago

sboal94 commented 1 year ago

Hi, It takes a long time (32 min) using this controlnets lineart21, openpose21 ,canny21. To generate an 8 second video with the one I am testing. @un1tz3r0 Could it be that you can attach multiprocessing when applying the filters to the frames?

Maybe multiples models are needed to do this?

My config:

!python3 controlnetvideo/controlnetvideo.py \
    controlnetvideo/data/video.mp4 \
    --controlnet openpose21 \ # lineart21, openpose21 ,canny21
    --prompt 'Male gladiator observing his fighting blade' \
    --prompt-strength 9 \
    --show-input \
    --show-detector \
    --show-motion \
    --dump-frames '{instem}_frames/{n:08d}.png' \
    --init-image-strength 0.4 \
    --color-amount 0.3 \
    --feedthrough-strength 0.001 \
    --show-output \
    --num-inference-steps 15 \
    --skip-dumped-frames \

My video (217 frames): https://www.pexels.com/video/man-texting-on-the-street-855574/