unamfi / Beamer

:page_with_curl: Beamer UNAM Theme
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Unable to make it work #1

Open javierdiegof opened 5 years ago

javierdiegof commented 5 years ago


I wanted to take a look at the template but I wasn't able to make it work on Overleaf.

What I did was to copy all files in the repo to Overleaf and see if the project ran correctly.

At first, there where two minor warnings related to referencing images that are not in the repo: Lines 61 and 62 of file beamerthemeunam.sty loading images in folder graphics/ that is not available in the repo.

After putting some arbitrary image inside the mentioned folder to solve both problems, the code still mentioned two warnings:

  1. On line 16 of the main.tex file there's the following warning: "Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (PDFDocEncoding): (hyperref) removing `\' on input line 16." This warning happens because of the use of the linebreak inside the command on the line, by removing it, the warning is solved.

  2. The remaining one says: "Package pgf Warning: This package is obsolete and no longer needed on input lin e 13."

I couldn't solve this warning nor make the code work. It simply says: "PDF Rendering Error Something went wrong while rendering this PDF."

Any advice on how could I make the code work?

Thank's in advance, I hope I can see and use the template for my disseration in the near future!

murpholinox commented 5 years ago

Hola @javierdiegof. 1) Yo soy un simple mortal (es decir, no tengo nada que ver con este proyecto; excepto que alguna vez intenté usar esta plantilla y al parecer me suscribí a los issues. Como tú mencionas, está incompleto y quién sabe si funcione. Hay que checar que esto es de hace 4 años... 2) Te podría ayudar pero necesito tu archivo .tex. 3) Ya checaste que la penúltima línea del archivo main.tex tiene un \include{content}, donde content tiene que ser un archivo en latex con tu presentación? Tal vez por eso overleaf no genera ningún output. Aquí en mi compu corre, eso sí con un montón de warnings, pero corre y me genera un .pdf. Saludos

murpholinox commented 5 years ago

Puedes empezar a checar el funcionamiento de Latex/Beamer con este template llamado focus.... sí corre en Overleaf.