unascribed / BlockRenderer

A mod to render blocks and items. Useful for wikis.
MIT License
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Mass render does not appear to work #28

Open xbony2 opened 3 years ago

xbony2 commented 3 years ago

@pupnewfster Testing with All The Mods 1.16.4 + HuesoDeWiki + BlockRenderer. Rendering a single block/item seems fine, but CTRL + ` only dumps a single item with no GUI popping up. CMD + ` does nothing. I never remember what uses CMD and what uses CTRL but I'm guessing CMD + ` should bring up the GUI since it's the one not doing anything (in comparison, trying CTRL, ALT, or say G + ` dumps the single render).

Tried a new 1.16.4 (Forge 35.1.13) instance with literally just BlockRenderer, trying to dump vanilla. Same issue.

I'm on Mac if that matters.

pupnewfster commented 3 years ago

Worked fine for me when I tested it before making the PR, maybe @unascribed 's refactoring broke it, no idea I haven't tested it since I submitted the PR. Or maybe that is the issue that the person was having on a mac no idea.

unascribed commented 3 years ago

I primarily tested with bulk renders, they work as far as I know. Will double-check.

unascribed commented 3 years ago

By the way, I suddenly realized the other day what the Mac issue is: usage of BufferedImage. You can't initialize the AWT toolkit on 1.14+ due to its usage of GLFW.

unascribed commented 3 years ago

Bulk render is working for me.

AterAnimAvis commented 3 years ago

@xbony2 It would be interesting to see if running with -Djava.awt.headless=true would mitigate/fix this for you.

Actually looking through deobf'd, it looks like Mojang are programatically setting this already in Main since at least 1.15.2. 🤷‍♂️ Unfortunately I haven't got a Mac so I can't diagnose this more, but from what I can find headless AWT should of fixed the major issue with Mac (GLFW and AWT event loops cannot run at the same time in the main/first thread on macOS).

xbony2 commented 3 years ago

Well unfortunately my mac today just bit the bullet so I can't test it. I'm suspecting/hoping it's an issue with just the graphics card which no longer spins when the computer turns on. I use Time Machine (automatically backs up stuff often) and all my projects are saved on GitHub or otherwise online, and I think the storage is probably fine anyway, but certainly a pain nevertheless... 😒

edit: seems my mac is working again for now. No idea what happened. I will try to test this soon.