unascribed / Fabrication-Features

Feature requests for Fabrication.
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fabrication:photoallergic tag to replace Photoallergic Creepers and Photoresistant Mobs #65

Open pm065 opened 3 years ago

pm065 commented 3 years ago

I'm mainly asking for this so that I can make Savage and Ravage Creepies photosensitive, but I guess it could be useful for other things.

  1. Combine Photoresistant Mobs and Photoallergic Creepers into a 'Photoallergic Mobs Tag' option.
  2. This tweak would implement an entity tag, #fabrication:photoallergic, by default applied to Zombies, Skeletons, their variants and if possible any modded mobs detected as photoallergic.
  3. The hardcoded photoallergy of all mobs would be removed. Any mobs with the tag would then burn in sunlight. This would allow you to remove the photoallergy of certain mobs, or make any new mob photoallergic.