unascribed / Fabrication-Features

Feature requests for Fabrication.
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Fix Minecart Shunting #78

Open DarianLStephens opened 2 years ago

DarianLStephens commented 2 years ago

On the Minecraft Wiki, a feature is described, being Minecart Trains, creating by forming 'shunts' when pushing together a Furnace Minecart and any other cart behind it. You can link many carts behind eachother in series, making a train as they follow. This actually does work in-game, but has a number of issues and limitations.

The link breaks when turning, it breaks when going too fast, and it breaks when the furnace cart runs out of fuel. If these issues could be resolved, it would be a fabulous way to build vanilla trains.

Technically, the limitations can be worked around by breaking and remaking the link when going across turns, but that's unintuitive and annoying.