Need to figure out how the editor will work and create some basic functionality. The idea is for you to be able to edit worlds live, without having to exit to a separate app, and have everything sync in the multiplayer environment.
Would be awesome to find some sort of generalized networking solution for syncing between players that will work outside of the editor, like picking up objects in the world and throwing them around.
How do you enter edit mode?
Or is there even an "edit mode"? Maybe you just pull out a tool and start using it?
How do we propagate updates to other players in the world?
Do we need some sort of CRDT scene representation?
Seems annoying to maintain + keep in sync with ECS
Bevy scene serialization?
Existing libraries could automatically handle most of it
Wouldn't be very generalized, might only work between players on the same client version
Need to figure out how the editor will work and create some basic functionality. The idea is for you to be able to edit worlds live, without having to exit to a separate app, and have everything sync in the multiplayer environment.
Would be awesome to find some sort of generalized networking solution for syncing between players that will work outside of the editor, like picking up objects in the world and throwing them around.
How do you enter edit mode?
How do we propagate updates to other players in the world?
How do you save changes?