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Similes #7

Open kareniel opened 7 years ago

kareniel commented 7 years ago
kareniel commented 7 years ago

There is also an index of similes here: http://www.accesstoinsight.org/index-similes.html which refers to specific suttas.

kareniel commented 7 years ago

What can be said about specific similes:

ie: Acrobats

kareniel commented 7 years ago

Index of Similes, taken from "The Connected Discourses of the Buddha, A New TransIation of the Samyutta Nikaaya" by Bhikkhu Bodhi

similes for volume 1

simile volume page
Acrobats, pair of 1 1648
Adze handle 1 960-61
Ancient city 1 603
Archers, firm-bowed 1 708
Ascent and descent 1 185-87
Baited hook 1 682-83
Balls of clay 1 623,652
Beryl gem 1 160
Bonfire 1 589
Brand from a pyre 1 920
Bubble on water 1 951
Bull elephant 1 710
Burden and its bearer 1 871-72
Calf, young 1 918
Cat and mouse 1 711
Charcoal pit 1 598-99
Chariot 1 230
City of mustard seeds 1 654
Clay pot, hot 1 588
Cloth, laundering of 1 945
Cow, flayed 1 598
Crab, mutilated 1 216
Cream-of-ghee 1 10,341,041
Crow, hungry 1 216-17
Disciples who recollect aeons 1 655
Dog on a leash 1 957,958
Drops from the ocean 1 623-24
Drum pegs 1 708
Dung beetle 1 684
Elephant's footprint 1 179
Families with many women 1 707
Fingernail of soil 1 621,706,956
Fire-sticks, pair of 1 597
Flowers, best of fragrant 1 962
Gale winds 1 685
Goat, long-haired 1 683-84
Gold, disappearance of 1 681
Grains of gravel 1 624-25
Grass and sticks 1 651
Grass in Jeta's Grove 1 877
Grass torch 1 636-37
Hand in space 1 664
Heartwood, searching for 1 951-52;
Heartwoods, best of fragrant 1 962;
Hen nurturing eggs 1 959-60
Horsehair rope 1 690
Hundred spears 1 599,618;
Jackal 1 685,712
Licchavi warriors 1 709
Lion the king of beasts 1 913;
Lotus pond 1 182-83,233
Lotus unsullied by water 1 950
Lump of cowdung 1 954
Lump of foam 1 951
Magical illusion 1 952
Mangoes, bunch of 1 961
Mirage 1 951
Monkey in forest 1 595
Moon, radiance of 1 962;
Moon, waxing and waning 1 669
Morning star 1 160
Mountain made of stone 1 654
Mountain rain 1 556;
Mountains approaching from all sides 1 192
Oil lamp 1 590,942;
Ornament of gold 1 160
Painting on a wall 1 600,959
Path, man skilled in 1 930
Peaked house 1 706,961-62;
Lump of foam 1 951
Magical illusion 1 952
Mangoes, bunch of 1 961
Mirage 1 951
Monkey in forest 1 595
Moon, radiance of 1 962;
Moon, waxing and waning 1 669
Morning star 1 160
Mountain made of stone 1 654
Mountain rain 1 556;
Mountains approaching from all sides 1 192
Oil lamp 1 590,942;
Ornament of gold 1 160
Painting on a wall 1 600,959
Path, man skilled in 1 930
Peaked house 1 706,961-62;
Plantain tree 1 692,951-52;
Ploughman 1 267-68,961
Poisoned beverage 1 606,607
Pond full of water 1 621-22;
Pregnant mule 1 692
Rain cloud 1 191-92;
River with swift current 1 949
Roots, best of fragrant 1 962;
Rush-cutter 1 961
Sand castles 1 985
Sapling, tender 1 592
Scent of a lotus 1 944
Seed sown in field 1 229
Seedlings, young 1 918-19
Servant, treacherous 1 933-34
Sharp-pointed spear 1 707
Sheaves of reeds 1 608
Similar things unite 1 640
Son's flesh 1 597-98
Stick thrown into air 1 656;
Sun in clear sky 1 160,962;
Sunbeam 1 601
Surge of the ocean 1 611-12
Tree, great 1 591-94
Turtle, heedless 1 683
Water at the confluence 1 622-23;
Well without a bucket 1 611
Wheel-turning monarch 1 962
Wild dog 1 693
Youth fond of ornaments 1 928
Youth in battle 1 190-91
kareniel commented 7 years ago

similes for vol 2

simile volume page
Animals, six 2 1255-57
Balls of clay 2 1876
Basket of leaves 2 1858-59
Body depends on food 2 1568
Boulder in a pool 2 1337
Bowl of oil 2 1649
Bowl of water 2 1611-15
Bull fond of barley 2 1253
Cart, old 2 1637
Charcoal pit 2 1248
Chariot 2 1239-40
Conch blower 2 1344
Conflagration 2 1867
Cook, king's 2 1634-35
Corruptions of gold 2 1590
Darkness between worlds 2 1870
Dart, man struck by 2 1264
Dawn as the forerunner 2 1543-44,1579,1580,1596,1861
Divine vehicle 2 1525-26
Drops from the ocean 2 1876-77
Elephant's footprint 2 1551,1697-98
Empty village 2 1237-38
Fields, good and bad 2 1338-39,1815
Fingernail of soil 2 187,418,781,879
Fire, tending a 2 1605-7
Fire-sticks, pair of 2 12,701,683
Fisherman 2 1228
Flame flung by wind 2 1393
Flowers, best of fragrant 2 1552
Frontier city 2 1252-53
Ganges, reversing the 2 125,015,581,756
Ganges slants eastwards 2 1548,1622,1665,1704,1709,1713,1746,1762-63
Ganges slants towards ocean 2 1549
Gatekeeper 2 1641-42
Grains of gravel 2 1872-73,1877-78
Grass and sticks 2 1860-61
Grass in Jeta's Grove 2 11,821,210
Guest house 2 12,731,557
Hands and feet 2 1236
Hawk and quail 2 1632
Heartwood, searching for 2 1189
Heartwoods, best of fragrant 2 15,521,698
Hundred spears 2 1860
Indra's pillar 2 1863
Iron ball 2 1741
Iron plate, hot 2 1250
Kasian cloth 2 1552
Kimsrlka tree 2 1251-52
Lion the king of beasts 2 1695
Living beings based on earth 2 1579
Log carried by Ganges 2 1241-44
Lute, sound of a 2 1254
Manifestation of great light 2 1861-62
Milk-sap tree 2 1229
Monkey trap 2 1633
Moon, radiance of 2 1552
Mound of soil 2 1777
Mountain rain 2 1825
Murderous enemies 2 1237-38
Nagas achieve greatness 2 15,541,567
Ocean and its current 2 1226-27
Oil lamp 2 12,681,773
Oxen, pair of 2 123,012,321,315
Pain like a split head 2 1165
Peaked house 2 1247,1551,1577,1695-96,1868-69
Lute, sound of a 2 1254
Manifestation of great light 2 1861-62
Milk-sap tree 2 1229
Monkey trap 2 1633
Moon, radiance of 2 1552
Mound of soil 2 1777
Mountain rain 2 1825
Murderous enemies 2 1237-38
Nagas achieve greatness 2 15,541,567
Ocean and its current 2 1226-27
Oil lamp 2 12,681,773
Oxen, pair of 2 123,012,321,315
Pain like a split head 2 1165
Peaked house 2 1247,1551,1577,169596,1868-69
Plantain tree 2 1233
Pond full of water 2 1874-75
Pot of ghee 2 1337-38,1809
Pot overturned 2 1555
Pot without a stand 2 1537
Precipice 2 1865-66
Raft 2 1238
Rain cloud 2 15,561,774
Rivers slant eastwards 2 1549
Rivers slant towards the ocean 2 1549
Roots, best of fragrant 2 1552
Seed and plant life 2 1553
Sheaf of barley 2 1257
Shed made of reeds 2 1246
Ship on dry land, 1961 2 1557
Shooting arrows through a split hair 2 1869-70
Simsapa grove 2 1857
Spike of rice 2 15,301,555
Stick thrown into air 2 1859
Stone column 2 1863
Strenuous deeds 2 1553
Sun in clear sky 2 1552
Sunbeam 2 1688
Tathagata the best of beings 2 1550
Thorny forest 2 1249
Tortoise and jackal 2 1240-41
Tree slanting eastwards 2 1554
Tree with broken branches 2 1643-44,1645
Trees, parasitic 2 1593
Trees, the chief of 2 1703-4
Tuft of cotton wool 2 1862
Turtle, blind, and yoke 2 1871-72
Vepacitti, bondage of 2 1258
Vipers, deadly 2 1237-38
Wardrobe full of clothes 2 1574
Water at the confluence 2 18,291,875
Water in the ocean 2 13,811,828
Waterpots, good and bad 2 133940
Winds in the sky 2 12,721,555