Open shikasta-net opened 9 years ago
If you can post your config, it could be an interesting snippet
I am using uWSGI 2.1 and flask 0.10.1. I think this is the minimum config required.
import os
from flask import Flask
app = Flask (_name_)
client_name = os.environ ['CLIENT_NAME']
def index():
return 'client %s says goodbye cruel world'%cname,200
http =
subscription-mountpoints = true
http-subscription-server = /tmp/subscription-server.sock
master = true
emperor = /path/to/folder/of/vassals/
env = CLIENT_NAME=%n
subscribe2 = server=/tmp/subscription-server.sock,key=
chdir = /path/to/location/of/
wsgi-file =
callable = app
enable-threads = true
processes = 1
socket = /tmp/worker_%n.sock
Run sudo uwsgi --ini emperor.ini
Create linked vassals in /path/to/folder/of/vassals/ ln -s vassal.skel <name>.ini
Sorry about any typos, my virtual machine's shared clipboard doesn't want to copy out.
I can try to expand this example if it's not obvious how this is beneficial. I have a more sophisticated version working with RESTful resource points.
While this has worked very well for me, I wonder if anyone has any thoughts on catching routes that haven't been defined yet? For example, if vassal Foo does not exist then path is not a known route and should produce an error message, but at the moment it just gets dropped.
There are the fastrouter/httprouter/sslrouter/rawrouter-fallback options, and in 2.1 (current master) you have the --fastrouter-fallback-on-no-key (that can be ported to httprouter too, feel free to make a pull request)
This is both a question and an answer as I could not find this question anywhere and eventually figured out the answer. It may help someone else and may belong in the docs under emperor mode and routing.
I am creating a lightweight API using flask (RESTful). I wanted each 'client' (here meaning an entity with multiple users) to be completely isolated from web right down to database level. I also wanted it to be trivial to set up new clients.
The Emperor mode of uwsgi appeared to proved a way to do this: each client would have a config file that loaded the same API code and environmental variables set in that vassal's config would affect how its API behaved; worked. However, when defining the api resources I discovered a problem with using clones of the code as the end points of different vassals would collide (particularly if they had arbitrary variables in them). However, I discovered that I could use the same environment variables in those api resource definitions and thereby isolate each vassal by simply specifying the client name as part of the path "statically".
This is a little like routing but it's done automagically by virtue of how each vassal is isolated.