uncatcrea / wp-appkit

WP-AppKit WordPress plugin (create mobile apps connected to WordPress)
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Detect icons available in the theme #301

Closed lpointet closed 6 years ago

lpointet commented 7 years ago

Following a specific naming convention, we should allow to include PWA icons directly in the theme so that they are automatically shown in app edit screen + embedded in the export if wanted.

A proposed convention would be the following:

lpointet commented 7 years ago

What I have in mind in terms of UI here.

1. In case we detect icons in the theme

2. In case we don't detect any icons in the theme

Plus, changing the "Theme" value would fetch the detected icons in AJAX, and change accordingly the "icons" part of the PWA manifest configuration. Side Note: this means we'd also be able to do a refresh feature for the currently selected theme, but I don't see this as really required/useful.

lpointet commented 7 years ago

After discussion, we decided the following:

blupu commented 7 years ago

Hi, while working on the PWA branch of Q for Android, I was wondering if it would be useful to have pwa subfolder in the icons folder as it may be shared with the mobile app theme (?).

lpointet commented 7 years ago

We may add a filter to let developers change the icons directory? Full path, or just the name of it inside the theme?