uncefact / spec-jsonld

Exposing the UN/CEFACT vocabulary as web semantics
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Missing classes #138

Closed colugo closed 1 year ago

colugo commented 1 year ago

I was attempting to load the full json-ld vocabulary (https://dmvc7xzscpizo.cloudfront.net/unece.jsonld) into Jargon. This mostly worked, but Jargon complained there were a couple of classes missing.

They are:

Looking at the rendered vocabulary site (https://dmvc7xzscpizo.cloudfront.net), these classes return 404, despite having links from other classes.

Eg: https://dmvc7xzscpizo.cloudfront.net/TelecommunicationCommunication has a link to Preference, which 404's

kshychko commented 1 year ago

I checked the spreadsheet file which we are using as the source, and the ABIEs for the mentioned ASBIEs are missing:

Screenshot from 2022-11-09 18-51-08

Below is the list of UN IDs:

This needs to be addressed as a semantic issue, but we need to fix the vocabulary meantime.

So there are no definitions for Customs Procedure, Coordinate Reference System, Preference classes, that's why we have missing pages.

Cross-Border_ Regulatory Procedure. Specified. Cross-Border_ Customs Procedure seems to be deprecated so I would assume we can just remove the https://dmvc7xzscpizo.cloudfront.net/specifiedCustomsProcedure from the vocabulary.

For CoordinateReferenceSystem we probably can use https://dmvc7xzscpizo.cloudfront.net/CoordinateSourceSystem For Preference there is no suitable class so I suggest to remove https://dmvc7xzscpizo.cloudfront.net/usagePreference property from the vocabulary.

nissimsan commented 1 year ago

It would be great to remove broken links.

I personally don't think this is v1 worthy.

nissimsan commented 1 year ago

Is this still a thing? @colugo, a lot has happened since this - would you mind checking and confirm there is still a problem; or close the issue if we're good.

nissimsan commented 1 year ago


Quick check, this seems fixed. Looks like we're good on this.

colugo commented 1 year ago

I think this is no longer an issue