uncefact / spec-untp

UN Transparency Protocol
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Architecture review #114

Closed philarcher closed 1 week ago

philarcher commented 1 week ago

I have been through the doc and made a few suggested edits. Most notably, I am uncomfortable with the term "Digital Link Resolver". I'm suggesting Identity Resolver (IDR) instead. The term "GS1 Digital Link" is obviously GS1-centric but removing the 'GS1' doesn't work (actually the term is a trademark of Panasonic!). ISO/IEC 18975 only says a little about resolvers. You need a specification like the specific "GS1-Conformant resolver" spec to turn it into an implementable standard. The ISO/IEC spec does mention RFC 9264 though and I think that's worth stating. I can say more on a near-future call.

philarcher commented 1 week ago

Incidentally, if the term "Identity Resolver" is accepted then the graphics will need updating. Also, almost as an aside, an 'IDR' would include a DID resolver too (not that I think DIDs are suitable as product IDs but that's a different discussion!)

onthebreeze commented 1 week ago

Thanks phil

I've no strong attachment to the term DLR - and quite happy to call it something like identity resolver.

The main thing is that we both recognise that it's not really enough to say "just implement iso 18975".

onthebreeze commented 1 week ago

I'll update the diagram right after the team agree to merge your PR