Expanded credential vocabulary to clarify the @context architecture (flat list of node objects and instance has type proerties) Closes #109
Refactored DPP and DCC to re-use a set of object classes from a new untp-core vocabulary. Now all product/facility/location/party classes map nicely to uniquely identified linked data objects. Closes #110 Closes #45
Updated DPP model to remove scores. Closes #92
DPP model includes a circularity class. Closes #35
DCC model now points at encrypted binary file as auditableEvidence. Closes #42
DCC model now reflect both assessor level and assessment level. Closes #71
Added minimal content to "transparency graphs" Closes #78 Closes #44
VC page recommends (SHOULD) support for VCDM 2.0. Closes #81
Updated @context generation to remove conflicts with VCDM protected terms AND to protect UNTP terms. Closes #116 and #117