uncefact / spec-untp

UN Transparency Protocol
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Business Case Templates #144

Open mxshea opened 3 months ago

mxshea commented 3 months ago

Objective: To define and quantify categories of benefit and cost for each major stakeholder type (currently just “industry” and “regulators"), do we need to define more after these two? Templates must be concrete, specific, and configurable

Initial quantification can only realistically be based on high level market indicators similar to what is published to https://uncefact.github.io/spec-untp/docs/business-case/BusinessCaseTemplates.

Output: Supporting word doc and excel sheet that potential implementers can use to enter their specific context - eg their volumetric and some weighting of cost / benefit categories that they deem relevant (eg anti-counterfeiting might matter more in some commodities and markets than others - eg wine to china).
Note: Output is not a "how to write a business case" guidance, but should aid the stakeholder in creating the 'meat' for their business case.

JohnOnGH commented 3 months ago

Deciding on the major stakeholders that we want to target seems a sensible first decision.

I think there is some alignment to achieve with the existing text that comes earlier in the spec documentation. We need to decide if/how to use the existing text, and how we reuse this logic when we get to the business case template section.

The introduction to the UNTP itself describes / gives an overview of the intended audience and benefits (https://uncefact.github.io/spec-untp/docs/about/Goals). The target audience list provided is fairly expansive:

This list is followed by a table of "success measures" - which I think need to related to the values/measures discussion in issue 146 (https://github.com/uncefact/spec-untp/issues/146)

[note that "audience" doesn't necessarily mean stakeholder and it seems likely that some grouping of these stakeholders could be performed to achieve a smaller list for the BCT section]

The existing introductory paragraph for the business case template (https://uncefact.github.io/spec-untp/docs/business-case/#business-case-template-bct) includes a sentence suggesting a different perspective on stakeholders ("buyer, supplier, certifier, software vendor, regulator, etc"). Note also that this page (https://uncefact.github.io/spec-untp/docs/business-case/) introduces the sections that we are now discussing how best to produce pages to support as issues 144, 145 and 146.

My suggestion is that our stakeholders for the Business Case Templates are those that will directly investing, or asking others to invest in the use of UNTP. Others may be interested, and may be beneficiaries, but we can focus more narrowly by considering who will actually be putting money into the investment and hence will be making a commitment.

I think Steve's suggestion of two types of stakeholder (regulator and industry) could be refined further. I would like us to build on the earlier text of circular (or least less wasteful) economies by including the stakeholders identified earlier in the document: "Primary Producers & Manufacturers", "Transport & Logistics", "Brand & Retailers" and "Recyclers & Refurbishers".

Similarly the "regulator" stakeholder needs to be considered to make sure that we have adequately addressed that stakeholder group. Regulators may have broad or narrow remits, and may have overlapping or at least additive interests across a sector.