uncefact / spec-untp

UN Transparency Protocol
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Problems re EPCIS TraceabilityEvents #69

Open VladimirAlexiev opened 2 months ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 2 months ago

@nissimsan Should the rest be here in UNTP, or in the Traceability project?

Eg comparing https://jargon.sh/user/unece/traceabilityEvents/v/working/artefacts/readme/render#transactionevent to https://ref.gs1.org/epcis/TransactionEvent

onthebreeze commented 2 months ago

Hi @VladimirAlexiev - thanks for your comments. Yes, traceability events needs some work. just as you posted this ticket I also raised a PR #70 . it probably doesn't answer everything but should get us closer. The intent here is to define a much smaller / tighter profile of EPCIS that is just sufficient for our needs. It's a pretty bog spec and if we dont constrain it then we've no chance of interoperable implementations. We also have to make some minor adjustments for the fact the EPCIS was written with API exchange in mind and not publish / discover events as VCs. Anyhow, I'd suggest that we re-baseline via PR #70 and then see what's wrong or missing.

VladimirAlexiev commented 2 months ago

@onthebreeze @nissimsan I understand and support the desire to simplify. But there should be no gratuitous differences because when you get a bunch of EPCIS events, how would you convert them to dpp:Traceability events? Here are some gratuitous differences:

In the PR I suggested to use real examples from https://github.com/gs/EPCIS rather than fake values like 0, "string" etc. If you use these "real-world" examples and cut them to size, that will reduce the number of gratuitous differences

GerhardHNL commented 2 months ago

Within the UNCEFACT Library, the so-called "TT" components based on EPCIS are adopted. These components were used for Animal and Textile products Traceability. These event components have been published on github, see here https://vocabulary.uncefact.org/search?q=event (events for transformation, object, transaction, aggregation). As far as I know the mentioned missing elements are in. I suppose the Traceability Event information is just a place holder of the other event types. I would be great if the events will be aligned.