uncefact / spec-untp

UN Transparency Protocol
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Mill Test Report schema and example #98

Closed nissimsan closed 2 weeks ago

nissimsan commented 1 month ago

Closes https://github.com/uncefact/spec-untp/issues/19

nissimsan commented 1 month ago

@zachzeus , FYI

zachzeus commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @nissimsan - is there a reason why you have published this in .yml form?

nissimsan commented 3 weeks ago

@zachzeus, the only reason is that elsewhere I am working with public schemas we have switched to yaml which is supposedly more "business-oriented" and as such typically used in OAS specs.

Sparring some edge cases (e.g. exploited in sd-jwt) it's ultimately the same, and all gets converted to JSON in the end anyway. I'm not strongly opinionated on this.

Random online conversion tool: https://onlineyamltools.com/convert-yaml-to-json

Note that only the schema is in YAML, the example is JSON.

nissimsan commented 2 weeks ago

Outdated, should include something like:

"type": [