unchase / Unchase.Odata.Connectedservice

:scroll: A Visual Studio extension for connecting to OData services with generating client-side C# proxy-classes
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Problem with navigation property in complex type #38

Closed hugener closed 4 years ago

hugener commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to consume an OData service and the code generation worked just fine. However, when I execute a query I get the following error: The property 'X' is of entity type and it cannot be a property of the type 'Y', which is not of entity type. Only entity types can contain navigation properties.

I checked the definition and there is a complex type, which has a navigation property to an entity type. As the message states this is not supported.

However, according to the following link, it should be supported in OData Core Lib V7: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/odata/odatalib/navigation-under-complex I'm not sure though, if that version maps to the dlls used by the generated connected service: Microsoft.OData.Client 7.6.3 Microsoft.OData.Core 7.6.3 Microsoft.OData.Edm 7.6.3 etc.

I don't control the service I'm consuming, so I can't change that. Does anyone know if it's possible to get this to work?

unchase commented 4 years ago

You should to create the issue in this repository.

unchase commented 4 years ago

Not implemented yet in the client library.