uncoast-unconf / uu-2019-day-zero

Planning for day-zero training and whatnot
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Timetable #4

Open ijlyttle opened 5 years ago

ijlyttle commented 5 years ago

This is entirely preliminary, meant to serve as the starting point of discussion:

Time Thing
09h00 - 09h50 Coffee, introductions, classroom prep, possibly individual git(hub) issues.
09h50 - 10h00 Welcome - Sam Tyner
10h00 - 12h00 Git and GitHub Cornucopia - Amelia McNamara
12h00 - 12h30 Lunch
12h30 - 13h45 Project-Based Workflow - Haley Jeppson
14h00 - 15h45 Package Development - Ian Lyttle
16h00 - 17h00 HTML/JS/CSS - Yihui Xie

Perhaps some of the timings to be adjusted.

sctyner commented 5 years ago

Some possible content for the Github portion of the day: Github contribution etiquette. Joyce Robbins' book: https://edav.info/contribute.html Jenny Bryan's book: https://happygitwithr.com/fork-and-clone.html, https://happygitwithr.com/upstream-changes.html

Apparently one is not supposed to work on the master branch of a fork. (Whoops) And the "WHY?" of this is not obvious IMO.

sctyner commented 5 years ago

IMO, topic 1 should be about getting started with github collaboration, topic 2 should be on writing r packages, and topic 3 i leave to you all.

haleyjeppson commented 5 years ago

For topic 3, maybe project-oriented workflow?

Jenny Bryan has some great materials for this topic. WTF workshop slides: https://jennybc.github.io/wtf-2019-rsc/project-oriented-workflow.pdf WTF book: https://whattheyforgot.org/project-oriented-workflow.html

ijlyttle commented 5 years ago

This seems like as good as place as any to sum up our virtual-meeting this afternoon. If I have missed something, I will invite @AmeliaMN and @haleyjeppson to make it known.

We have settled on three topic-groupings, reflected in the edited timetable. Each of the topics will have their own issue, where each of us will start to outline their materials, and we can make sure that we meet the dependencies in the right order.

We will also aim for participants to get their installations in "good working order" in advance of Sunday morning. Ian can make a couple of screencasts - one each for Mac and Windows.

One thread that might join all three topics will be our reliance on the usethis package.
