uncoast-unconf / uu-2019

Materials for the 2019 uncoast unconference
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Knit Jupyter notebooks #13

Open yihui opened 5 years ago

yihui commented 5 years ago

I think this would be a fun project and shouldn't be horribly challenging to finish a prototype from this unconf: https://github.com/yihui/knitr/issues/1619

davidbody commented 5 years ago

I might be interested in helping with this.

Is there a document that describes how to install the dependencies I need for knitr? I ran devtools::install_dev_deps(), but I can't get the tikzDevice package to install because it couldn't find a LaTeX compiler. I'm on Ubuntu Linux.

sctyner commented 5 years ago

Have you tried tinytex?

yihui commented 5 years ago

You don't really need the tikzDevice package. It is only a suggested dependency. As @sctyner said, tinytex::install_tinytex() may help (you may need to restart your system to make sure $PATH contains $HOME/bin).

You will help me immensely if you are familiar with the .ipynb structure (JSON) and teach it to me at the unconference :)

davidbody commented 5 years ago

I didn't know about TinyTeX. What an excellent idea! (I tried to install LaTeX a few years ago and gave up after several frustrating hours.)

I need all the knitr dependencies so I can run the knitr tests. I can't work on software without running the tests. :smile:

I'm almost there. I'm getting an error about tikzTest() and the log says

! LaTeX Error: File `tikz.sty' not found.

I'm still tracking down why.

@yihui I will absolutely learn about the structure of .ipynb files and teach you at the unconference.

davidbody commented 5 years ago

I had to install some additional LaTeX packages.

TinyTeX makes this easy (once you know what packages you need):

tinytex::tlmgr_install(c("pgf", "xcolor", "preview"))

Now all the knitr tests are passing on my machine, although there are a few warnings.