uncoast-unconf / uu-2019

Materials for the 2019 uncoast unconference
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Your role at the unconf? #17

Open sctyner opened 5 years ago

sctyner commented 5 years ago

Hi all,

We have a similar thread going over in the day zero repo (please introduce yourself there, even if you can't make it to day zero), but I wanted to put something here to discuss our expertise and what we're hoping to learn at the unconf. If you're willing to be a "mentor" of sorts for a certain type of problem or package and you're willing to be approached with questions related to that topic during the unconf, please let us know. I'll go ahead and start!


Statistics, some machine learning, data visualization, some Shiny, ggplot2, geomnet

What I want to learn

HTML/CSS template things, meeting people, building community, live-blogging(?)

Can you approach me with questions relating to my expertise?

Yes, definitely, but I am sure I'll be running around like a headless chicken! Just make sure I see you and don't run you over!

ijlyttle commented 5 years ago

Hi everyone, I'll go next


Package development, data-visualization, shiny, some web-service api (httr), a bit of tidyeval

What I want to learn

Meeting folks, learning how R is used around the Midwest, and hearing more about all the wonderfully-ambitious ideas we'll be bringing

Can you approach me with questions relating to my expertise?

Of course! I'm not sure that I'll be able to match Sam's energy level, so you may be in less danger of a collision 😃

At this point, I'm not convinced that I will attach myself to a given project at the Unconf (that could change), but rather to help folks in different projects get unstuck, should they get stuck.

srvanderplas commented 5 years ago


Package development, web scraping, unit testing/continuous integration (ish), weird UNIX errors, data visualization/ggplot2/human perception, machine learning, and computer vision/image analysis (probably not an expert there, but at least relatively competent).

What I want to learn

How R is used within industry and non-academic areas, improved skills with css, understanding pagedown/blogdown/bookdown packages

Can you approach me with questions relating to my expertise?

Absolutely. I love debugging weird errors, too, so don't be afraid to ask if you can't figure something out.

DrFletch commented 5 years ago

Hi, All,


Data visualization, some Bayesian statistics, mixed-methods research, government, higher education, policy analysis, ggplot2, some Shiny.

What I want to learn

How to develop R packages, better understanding how markdown works, meeting folks.

Can you approach me with questions relating to my expertise?

Absolutely! I would consider myself an extrovert.

jshukle commented 5 years ago

Hi, All,


Data visualization, Shiny, ggplot2, multivariate statistics (especially advanced ordination and classification), Bayesian (BUGS), some time series analyses (FFT, wavelet), GCDkit, data analysis in the geosciences and ... aqueous geochemistry. :)

What I want to learn

Package development, advanced shiny, advanced javascript, new HTML/CSS tricks to beautify shiny apps, web scraping, methods to merge shiny apps and large scale citizen science projects.

Can you approach me with questions relating to my expertise?

Anytime! Anywhere! I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and helping work on some great projects.

yihui commented 5 years ago


Package development, writing books, and building websites.

What I want to learn

How/why people struggle with R and its packages (especially those developed by myself).

Can you approach me with questions relating to my expertise?

Of course! I guess I'll be sitting somewhere, quiet like a cucumber (pretending thinking something important), but feel free to interrupt me anytime.

ajmcoqui commented 5 years ago

Hi, All!


Software development best practices, some package development including testing and debugging, modular design and function writing, some Shiny, some httr and jsonlite, some git, some data wrangling/tidying.

What I want to learn

More ggplot2 and purrr, how various people are using R at a practical level (I tend only to hear about the challenges and not the successes), meeting people.

Can you approach me with questions relating to my expertise?

Absolutely! I love debugging and troubleshooting especially.

ellisvalentiner commented 5 years ago


Statistics and machine learning. Cloud computing (largely AWS, Digital Ocean, and Heroku). SQL databases and memory stores. RESTful APIs. Continuous integration and delivery pipelines. Docker. Git.

What I want to learn

I'm looking forward to meeting new people and learning how they use R. I hope to learn about lesser known but fun and useful R packages. New ways of thinking and problem solving.

Can you approach me with questions relating to my expertise?

Yes please (I'm a social introvert). You can also approach me about things not related to my expertise.

anneae commented 5 years ago


Statistics, especially medical applications, (reproducible) research, communicating statistical results and concepts

What I want to learn

I want to see what others are doing with R, learn how to write a package, work on some fun problems and meet you all.

Can you approach me with questions relating to my expertise?


cvanpay commented 5 years ago


I am still developing my expertise, but I would say that I'm decent with statistics and longitudinal methods. Additionally, I am knowledgeable about translational science, engaged scholarship and community-based partnerships.

What I want to learn

I am most interested in learning how other use R, package development, writing better R code and scripts, and using Shiny, doing expanded data viz, and connecting with others who use R.

Can you approach me with questions relating to my expertise?

Sure, I'm more introverted, but love talking about things I'm passionate about (like any introvert!)

mkosmicki commented 5 years ago


I'm in the data analysis and visualization world. I have a background in quantitative and qualitative methods, program evaluation, research design and statistics. I also have a strange love for non-parametric stats. I'm also a Tableau user, so figuring out how to bring my R scripts into Tableau would be AWESOME!

What I want to learn

I consider myself a rank newbie when it comes to R. SO.....I want to learn how to properly code with R and learn more about statistical, data manipulation, graphing and everything I can do with R packages. I don't know that I'll have a completed package, but I want to learn what I need to do to build out a package. I also would like to learn more about web scraping and API data connectors.

Can you approach me with questions relating to my expertise?

Absolutely! If you need help with something I know about, I'll do what I can to help you. Even if you simply need to talk something through, I can sit and listen.

charlesminshew commented 5 years ago


Data journalism, data cleaning, working with SQL inside R, tidyverse-certified (In Progress!), I also teach R to newbies around the country at conferences, workshops and universities.

What I want to learn

How to build R packages for tasks that I do that could also be helpful to journalists and others around the world. Would like to think about the role of data science in newsrooms.

Can you approach me with questions relating to my expertise?

Absolutely! Don't even hesitate to email me at charles@ire.org or find me in person at the unconference!

mharmston commented 5 years ago

Good morning, everyone.

Expertise Educational measurement/psychometrics, statistics, base-level Shiny, Markdown, and R including Plotly, SAS, some Tableau

What I want to learn Beyond getting to know additional like-minded professionals, I hope to expand my competency with Shiny, Markdown, interfacing Shiny and Tableau, mixed models, and R in general. Count me in as a newb.

Can you approach me with questions relating to my expertise? Yes, I'm always open to questions, though I'll likely be doing more asking than advising!


gzt commented 5 years ago

Expertise: I'm a statistician who does work on clustering and do a fair amount of R and C programming and sometimes think about making things faster; I don't know if I'm an expert at any of these but I know something.

What I want to learn: I haven't really done much with Shiny and am interested in hooking R up to other things and working with them

Can you approach me? Yes.