uncoast-unconf / uu-2019

Materials for the 2019 uncoast unconference
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Write a book about some "extraordinary ordinary hackers" in the R community #5

Open yihui opened 5 years ago

yihui commented 5 years ago

I have had this idea for a long time. See the "thanks" or "hacker" series in my blog posts:

I want to dig deeper in this people. I guess not everyone can become Hadley, but it should be more likely for more people to be at least moderately successful / knowledgeable / competitive. What are the things that led to their little successes / tiny wins? i.e. Is there any generalizable experience?

The book will be initially based on personal interviews, but we'll need to summarize them and give tips that could be learned and used by a general audience.

At this unconf, we could brainstorm a list of people (I have already made a list by myself but I'd like to hear other people's thoughts before I share it).