unconv / gpt-autopilot

A GPT-4 powered AI agent that can create full projects with iterative prompting
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Ghostwriter suggestions #2

Closed d3287t328 closed 1 year ago

d3287t328 commented 1 year ago

This commit:

Modularize the code by splitting it into functions with specific purposes. This will make the code more organized and easier to understand.

Implement error handling to catch and handle any exceptions that may occur during runtime. This will make the code more robust and prevent unexpected crashes.

Utilize proper commenting to explain the purpose and functionality of different sections of the code. This will improve code readability and make it easier for others (including yourself) to understand the code in the future.

Consider using a configuration file (e.g., a JSON or YAML file) to store API keys and other configurable settings. This will make it easier to manage and update these values without modifying the code directly.

Investigate using a more efficient way to handle file operations, such as using context managers (with open) or using a library like pathlib for file system operations.

unconv commented 1 year ago

Thanks! Looks good. I pushed some of my recent changes, though, and they created conflicts with this pull request.