und3f / mojox-redis

asynchronous Redis client based on Mojo
Artistic License 2.0
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"DEPRECATE" warnings about Mojo::IOLoop. #4

Closed bluet closed 12 years ago

bluet commented 12 years ago

Due to Mojolicious changed it's API again, there are "DEPRECATED" warnings when trying to use MojoX::Redis.

Mojo::IOLoop->connect is DEPRECATED in favor of Mojo::IOLoop->client! Mojo::IOLoop->connection_timeout is DEPRECATED in favor of Mojo::IOLoop->timeout! Mojo::IOLoop->write is DEPRECATED in favor of Mojo::IOLoop::Stream->write!

I had a quick check and tried to have a quick fix it, but new Mojolicious not only changed method name but also callback value/objects so it's not easy to have a "quick" fix.

und3f commented 12 years ago

Fixed in 0.83.

Please note that Mojo::IOLoop->client, Mojo::IOLoop::Stream->write, etc… marked as EXPERIMENTAL. I'll use deprecated API until they will stabilize new one.