und3fined / medium-unlocker

Read Medium content without limit!
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Required permissions... #22

Closed redbar0n closed 1 year ago

redbar0n commented 1 year ago

Any way to install the extension without giving it access to ones data for 69+ sites? I don't want to have to go through all of them to verify it's not something sinister in there.

This extension will have the permission to:

Access your data for sites in the medium.com domain
Access your data for sites in the plainenglish.io domain
Access your data for medium.com
Access your data for towardsaws.com
Access your data for towardsdatascience.com
Access to your data on 69 other sites..."

The other sites it wants access to, listed further down on the Firefox addon page:

Access your data for sites in the medium.com domain
Access your data for sites in the plainenglish.io domain
Access your data for medium.com
Access your data for towardsaws.com
Access your data for towardsdatascience.com
Access your data for hackernoon.com
Access your data for medium.freecodecamp.org
Access your data for psiloveyou.xyz
Access your data for betterhumans.coach.me
Access your data for codeburst.io
Access your data for theascent.pub
Access your data for medium.mybridge.co
Access your data for uxdesign.cc
Access your data for levelup.gitconnected.com
Access your data for itnext.io
Access your data for entrepreneurshandbook.co
Access your data for proandroiddev.com
Access your data for blog.prototypr.io
Access your data for thebolditalic.com
Access your data for blog.usejournal.com
Access your data for blog.angularindepth.com
Access your data for blog.bitsrc.io
Access your data for blog.devartis.com
Access your data for blog.maddevs.io
Access your data for blog.getambassador.io
Access your data for uxplanet.org
Access your data for instagram-engineering.com
Access your data for calia.me
Access your data for productcoalition.com
Access your data for engineering.opsgenie.com
Access your data for android.jlelse.eu
Access your data for robinhood.engineering
Access your data for blog.hipolabs.com
Access your data for ux.shopify.com
Access your data for enlear.academy
Access your data for www.cantorsparadise.com
Access your data for betterprogramming.pub
Access your data for blog.roost.io
Access your data for 500ish.com
Access your data for faun.pub
Access your data for towardsdev.com
Access your data for writingcooperative.com
Access your data for andrewzuo.com
Access your data for awstip.com
Access your data for baos.pub
Access your data for betterhumans.pub
Access your data for bettermarketing.pub
Access your data for blog.angulartraining.com
Access your data for blog.codegiant.io
Access your data for blog.coffeeapplied.com
Access your data for blog.devgenius.io
Access your data for blog.kotlin-academy.com
Access your data for blog.kubernauts.io
Access your data for blog.securityevaluators.com
Access your data for bootcamp.uxdesign.cc
Access your data for bytes.grubhub.com
Access your data for code.likeagirl.io
Access your data for coinsbench.com
Access your data for eand.co
Access your data for engineering.talkdesk.com
Access your data for infosecwriteups.com
Access your data for levelupprogramming.net
Access your data for marcbalmer.ch
Access your data for medium.datadriveninvestor.com
Access your data for netflixtechblog.com
Access your data for pub.towardsai.net
Access your data for systemweakness.com
Access your data for tech.olx.com
Access your data for techuisite.com
Access your data for themakingofamillionaire.com
Access your data for unbounded.io
Access your data for www.inbitcoinwetrust.net
Access your data for blog.dancounsell.com
Access your data for experiencestack.co
und3fined commented 1 year ago

Hi there, have two options for it:

I want to ensure privacy and don't invade your privacy. I pick option 2. Listed domain is from community and me. Domains run on Medium platform.

Other way, if can, please pay Medium Premium. :)

redbar0n commented 1 year ago

Yeah, requiring permission for listed domains is better than requiring for all websites. But could it be optional to configure it to reduce the listed domains to the bare minimum? Maybe install it with the bare minimum (so the install warning isn't as scary), and then one could opt-in to extend the domains?

und3fined commented 1 year ago

@redbar0n I need list domain to manifest.json files. It's can't change by addons as a option.

redbar0n commented 1 year ago

oh, ok.. Then I would at least clarify at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/medium-unlocker/ why it needs to access so many pages, and why those pages specifically. To ease onboarding.

und3fined commented 1 year ago
