undefined06855 / EditorMusic

music in yer gd editor
2 stars 2 forks source link

Not sure if that's your bug but I'll still say it #13

Closed im-blad closed 4 months ago

im-blad commented 4 months ago

Something weird occured when I was making a level If you play, and stop at the exact same moment as the song starts playing, the song won't stop playing


(Yes, the mod is enabled) (Yes, the song trigger is attached to a spawn trigger, not sure if that's required for the bug to happen) (it also plays together with the song played in the editor from a mod)

undefined06855 commented 4 months ago

im 99% sure this is not my issue, and even if it is there's definitely not enough information in that recording to figure out what's causing it so in the meantime i'll just close this