undefined06855 / EditorMusic

music in yer gd editor
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Music menu mockup #7

Closed NonCloud9 closed 4 months ago

NonCloud9 commented 4 months ago

Hey, after i enjoyed the mod i had a little mockup idea for a menu selector or viewer like this:


This menu appears when you press the song name from top.

You can change to a previous song or next song from the list in alphabethical order.

There's a progress bar in case you want to skip to a certain part of the song.

The play button works if you want to resume or pause the song you're listening (Even better because i saw a bug when you reproduce a song from the song trigger, the editor's music wont pause or fade)

The square button next to the play one restarts the music.

The option button allows you to see the mod options.

The note button let you see a list of the songs you have in the folder to jump to other song. (If someone puts a full playlist on the mod's folder)

And the volume button is there if you want to tweak if the editor's song is quiet or too loud.

Hope you like this concept -NonCloud.

undefined06855 commented 4 months ago

wait this is actually kinda good, I'll think about it

NonCloud9 commented 4 months ago

That's nice but something i forget there is a reset button for reseting the menu if you add more songs to the folder instead of just exiting the editor, a loop and a shuffle button.

Thanks for liking it.

undefined06855 commented 4 months ago

Added in 1.3.0

NonCloud9 commented 4 months ago

Thank you so much.