underdoc-wang / EAST-Net

[AAAI'22] Event-Aware Multimodal Mobility Nowcasting
MIT License
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An Error in Preprocessing #1

Open yueyu1030 opened 1 year ago

yueyu1030 commented 1 year ago


Thanks for this great work! I got stuck in one error for the preprocessing shown as belows


My preprocessing code is named preprocess.py. The folder structure is shown below.


It seems that the main issue is that there is no date information for the zip_date variable (in https://github.com/underdoc-wang/EAST-Net/blob/ab47f32ead4b8389496d832a5f9f62d563d44d76/data/preprocess_safegraph_weekly_patterns.py#L67) Could you let me know how to fix this issue? Thanks!

underdoc-wang commented 1 year ago

Hi there, Thanks for your interest in our work. Based on your error message, I think change the string slicing in line 67 to zip_file[2:12] should be able to solve your problem.

yueyu1030 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your reply! An additional question is how can we extract the PoIs with the CBG type. Currently, I cannot observe it from the below figure (https://github.com/underdoc-wang/EAST-Net/blob/main/data/preprocess_safegraph_weekly_patterns.py#L20-L50). Many thanks!

underdoc-wang commented 1 year ago

Hi there, I am not sure fully understand your questions. You mean you want POIs to have Census Block Group type? The highlighted code chunk is used to get POI types (10 categories as illustrated): a mapping from POI ID/place_name to 10 categories (according to NAICS code).