undergroundwires / privacy.sexy

Open-source tool to enforce privacy & security best-practices on Windows, macOS and Linux, because privacy is sexy
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Best way to "update"? #322

Open zdat opened 3 months ago

zdat commented 3 months ago

What is the best practice if I want to use a newer version of the script?

Just run it over top of the old one? (and of course stop using the old one?)

Also is it recommended to re-do my "revert" scripts when I "update"?


femdiya commented 3 months ago

There's no so-called "updates to the script" or at least most of the times. Using GitHub, you can "watch" a repository for new releases AND commits to the main code, so you can get notified each time something changes, just click on eye icon and select all activity. And answering your second question: Don't. It's just pointless.

zdat commented 3 months ago

There's no so-called "updates to the script" or at least most of the times. Using GitHub, you can "watch" a repository for new releases AND commits to the main code, so you can get notified each time something changes, just click on eye icon and select all activity. And answering your second question: Don't. It's just pointless.

I'm mainly asking when a new version of the script is released, and I want to run it, is it ok just to run it over top of the old one?

I have some reverts that I need to run sometimes to make certain stuff work, and I don't want to be in a situation where they don't work because of miss-matched stuff.

What is the best way to handle this stuff?

femdiya commented 3 months ago

I'm mainly asking when a new version of the script is released, and I want to run it, is it ok just to run it over top of the old one?

Yes, you can. But for most of the times, it's not necessary.