understrap / understrap-child

The starter child theme for Understrap, the renowned open-source WordPress starter theme.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Sass argument errors out of the box #82

Closed zreese closed 6 years ago

zreese commented 7 years ago

I hit this when trying to run gulp sass. All dependencies are installed and up-to-date. Tried removing and reinstalling everything, same result. Tried trashing the repo and reinstalling, same result. My guess is that because $link-color is defined as theme-color("primary"), the quotes are making it appear as a string to sass... but that doesn't make sense, because that wouldn't be unique to my environment.

[13:12:00] Starting 'sass'...
{ [Error: src/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss
Error: argument `$color` of `darken($color, $amount)` must be a color

        src/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss:168, in function `darken`
        on line 168 of src/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss
>> $link-hover-color:      darken($link-color, 15%) !default;
  status: 1,
  file: 'understrap-child/src/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss',
  line: 168,
  column: 25,
  message: 'src/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss\nError: argument `$color` of `darken($color, $amount)` must be a color\n\n       Backtrace:\n       \tsrc/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss:168, in function `darken`\n       \tsrc/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss:168\n        on line 168 of src/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss\n>> $link-hover-color:      darken($link-color, 15%) !default;\n   ------------------------^\n',
  formatted: 'Error: argument `$color` of `darken($color, $amount)` must be a color\n\n       Backtrace:\n       \tsrc/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss:168, in function `darken`\n       \tsrc/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss:168\n        on line 168 of src/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss\n>> $link-hover-color:      darken($link-color, 15%) !default;\n   ------------------------^\n',
  messageFormatted: '\u001b[4msrc/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss\u001b[24m\nError: argument `$color` of `darken($color, $amount)` must be a color\n\n       Backtrace:\n       \tsrc/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss:168, in function `darken`\n       \tsrc/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss:168\n        on line 168 of src/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss\n>> $link-hover-color:      darken($link-color, 15%) !default;\n   ------------------------^\n',
  messageOriginal: 'argument `$color` of `darken($color, $amount)` must be a color\n\nBacktrace:\n\tsrc/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss:168, in function `darken`\n\tsrc/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss:168',
  relativePath: 'src/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss',
  name: 'Error',
  stack: 'Error: src/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss\nError: argument `$color` of `darken($color, $amount)` must be a color\n\n       Backtrace:\n       \tsrc/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss:168, in function `darken`\n       \tsrc/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss:168\n        on line 168 of src/sass/bootstrap4/_variables.scss\n>> $link-hover-color:      darken($link-color, 15%) !default;\n   ------------------------^\n\n    at options.error (understrap-child/node_modules/node-sass/lib/index.js:291:26)',
  showStack: false,
  showProperties: true,
  plugin: 'gulp-sass' }
[13:12:00] Finished 'sass' after 281 ms
zreese commented 7 years ago

Well, maybe it's not unique to my environment... it looks like Bootstrap v4.0.0 beta renamed a ton of variables: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/21568

holger1411 commented 7 years ago

I´am working on it. You can already download the bleeding edge version of the parent theme here: https://github.com/holger1411/understrap/archive/master.zip

BS4 Beta was released today. So give me some time ;-)

UnderStrap 0.6.3 will be released soon. A new child theme version will follow

l1un commented 7 years ago

I'm getting (maybe) a similar? error with a new local test install:

{ Error: sass/assets/bootstrap4.scss Error: File to import not found or unreadable: ../../src/sass/bootstrap4/custom.

I tried commenting out the request to see if I could temporary over-ride it but more errors continue looking for non-existent files. Is this related to the needed updates or potentially something on my end?

holger1411 commented 7 years ago

Make sure that the /src folder is present. If not: Run npm install in your terminal within the themes root directory.

alexleybovich commented 7 years ago

I encountered the same issue as OP and derekh. dropped the child theme in, ran npm install, and received the error that the following files are not found:

../../src/sass/bootstrap4/custom ../../src/sass/bootstrap4/normalize ../../src/sass/bootstrap4/responsive-embed

all in the sass/assets/bootstrap4.scss file

holger1411 commented 7 years ago

Okay, seems I add the new Bootstrap 4 Beta dependencies to the download file available on understrap.com, but forgott to commit the update to the child themes package.json here on Github

So a npm installstill installs the old Alpha version of Bootstrap 4, while the new sass files waits for the new sass structure of BS4Beta if you use the package from Github


I release a quick fix a few minutes ago, v0.3.3.2: https://github.com/holger1411/understrap-child/releases/tag/

l1un commented 7 years ago

The hotfix worked for me, thanks @holger1411 appreciate it.

holger1411 commented 7 years ago

There is already a new version out: https://github.com/holger1411/understrap-child/releases/tag/0.3.4 Update to it if you have problems with your dropdowns

holger1411 commented 7 years ago

I´ve updated UnderStrap to 0.6.5 and the child theme to 0.3.5. Pls try it again with this new versions if you have still issues

jeffreyvr commented 7 years ago

What I've done so far;

I then changed the $body-bg variable in _child_theme_variables.scss and ran the gulp command and this works. However, I don't seem to be able to change the theme colors without running into an error.

My _child_theme_variables.scss file:

$body-color: #313132;

$red:     #dc3545;

$theme-colors: (
  primary: $red,

I get the following error:

Error: argument `$color` of `rgba($color, $alpha)` must be a color

        src/sass/bootstrap4/mixins/_forms.scss:33, in function `rgba`
        src/sass/bootstrap4/mixins/_forms.scss:33, in mixin `form-validation-state`
        on line 33 of src/sass/bootstrap4/mixins/_forms.scss
>>         box-shadow: 0 0 0 .2rem rgba($color,.25);

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Update | I temporarily fixed it by copying the entire 'color system' section from the Bootstrap variables.scss file into the _child_theme_variables.scss file.