Closed bknight1 closed 4 years ago
Forgot to add the output, the error is coming from the interp1d as the particle tracers on the surface are over 2 (or more CPUs) so the length of z_nd (which is split over the CPUs) and x_new (the new x coordinates to interpolate over) are different.
I guess I can either (1) somehow gather the data on 1 CPU, do the calculation for the whole surface, and send it back out. or (2) do it over each seperate section to create the own surface on each section of the cpu, but might cause issues on the boundary between nodes.
surface calculation
total time: 160074.55343578712 timestep: 5760.0 No. of its: 28
x_new shape: 10000, y_nd shape: 4987
An uncaught exception appears to have been raised by all processes. Set the 'UW_ALL_MESSAGES' environment variable to see all messages. Rank 0 message is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1012, in <module>
Model.run_for(Total_Time * u.megayears, checkpoint_interval=The_Checkpoint_interval*u.megayears)
File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/UWGeodynamics/", line 1651, in run_for
File "/opt/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/UWGeodynamics/", line 1669, in _post_solve
File "", line 736, in Hillslope_diffusion_basic
f = interp1d(x_new, z_nd, kind='cubic', fill_value='extrapolate')
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/interpolate/", line 431, in __init__
_Interpolator1D.__init__(self, x, y, axis=axis)
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/interpolate/", line 60, in __init__
self._set_yi(yi, xi=xi, axis=axis)
File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/interpolate/", line 125,in _set_yi
raise ValueError("x and y arrays must be equal in length along "
ValueError: x and y arrays must be equal in length along interpolation axis.
application called MPI_Abort(comm=0x84000002, 1) - process 1
application called MPI_Abort(comm=0x84000004, 1) - process 0
Hey Ben
I think the best starting place would be (as you suggest) to gather the required data to the root process, and then broadcast the required array back out at the end of the processing.
Note however that the ordering of gathered data can be problematic as you are stitching a bunch of arrays from different procs together. At tracer particle creation time, you might like to add a unique identifier (@rbeucher, is this built into UWGeo?) which allows you to fix the ordered after the data has been gathered back to root.
For the broadcast part, the ordering is not an issue as you will take a fixed array and send it out to all procs.
You will use mpi4py
to achieve all this. There's a bunch of tutorials about, but let us know if you can't find anything suitable. mpi4py
is quite nice to use as it integrates with numpy
so much of the fiddly details are sorted. It's worth your time in any case learning this tool.
Hi have something half baked to do that.
The ordering pb is already solved in UWGeo. The next pb is that as you deform the model some particles may get quite far apart. I want to introduce a new class call Strings that take care of the pb. Basically a set of tracers that forms a line, the line is re-interpolated and re-sampled after n-steps by injecting new points where needed...or removing some. You would be able to apply any function to it, including diffusion. Then erosion / sedimentation is just a matter of checking what is above and below..
I have something half-baked. Happy to get some help on that @bknight1 if you need it.
So in UWGeo, Passive tracers have a unique id at creation time. You can use that to sort the points.
Note that @arijitlaik did something like what you are trying to do for his research project. It worked well
Nice one thanks @jmansour, I've had a try with np arrays but can't seem to get my head around the gathering and re-scattering the data.
I agree @rbeucher, I was having the issue with tracking the surface with an inflow boundary condition as you couldn't track the surface near the boundary. I managed to fix it by resetting the x coordinates each timestep and then extrapolating the line across the new coordinates and it worked well in serial. I guess the shapes of the np arrays will also be an issue when re projecting the values back. I'll have a look at how @arijitlaik implemented it too. Thanks for your help
Hi all,
the scripts I put in this issue should be able to tackle surface processes in multiple CPUs well.
Best regards, Ting
Once the array that records surface topography 'gridt' is generated, its horizontal coordinate does not change with time, only the vertical coordinate changes in response to surface processes and topographic advection. This is done on the root processor as mentioned by @jmansour
Awesome, thanks for that @tingyang2004 I'll have a look into it!
Hi @rbeucher, I was just looking at the PassiveTracers class and seen it also takes a zOnly parameter, so I assume that just moves the surface up and down? Similar to what @tingyang2004 had implemented for the surface. I'll see how if it wrks and report back
Yes exactly
okay awesome seems to be working okay now, will run some tests. I'll close this for now.
Here's the code if anyone is looking to implement something similar
### point every 1 km
npoints = int(Model.maxCoord[0].to(u.kilometer).magnitude) # This is the number of points used to define the surface
x_surface = np.linspace(GEO.nd(Model.minCoord[0]), GEO.nd(Model.maxCoord[0]), npoints)
y_surface = -0.01 * u.kilometer
surface_tracers_no_erosion = Model.add_passive_tracers(name="Surface-NoErosion", vertices=[x_surface,y_surface], zOnly=True)
surface_tracers_erosion = Model.add_passive_tracers(name="Surface-Erosion", vertices=[x_surface,y_surface], zOnly=True)
def Hillslope_diffusion_basic():
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
### gets the x and y coordinates from the tracers
x = GEO.dimensionalise([:,0], u.meter).magnitude
z = GEO.dimensionalise([:,1], u.meter).magnitude
#### gets the distance between particles
dx = (Model.maxCoord[0].to(u.meter).magnitude)/npoints
### time to diffuse surface based on model dt
total_time = (GEO.dimensionalise(Model._dt, u.year)).magnitude
#### diffusion constant for surface, m^2/year
D = ((1.0e3 * u.meter**2 / u.year).to(u.meter**2 / u.year)).magnitude
dt = min((0.2 * dx * dx / D), total_time)
nts = int(round(total_time/dt))
print('total time:', total_time, 'timestep:', dt, 'No. of its:', nts)
z_orig = z.copy()
### Basic Hillslope diffusion
for i in range(nts):
qs = -D * np.diff(z)/dx
dzdt = -np.diff(qs)/dx
z[1:-1] += dzdt*dt
x_nd = GEO.nd(x*u.meter)
### nd the diffused surface
z_nd = GEO.nd(z*u.meter)
### creates function for the new surface that has eroded, only if there are x coords
if x_nd.shape[0] > 0.:
f1 = interp1d(x_nd, z_nd, fill_value='extrapolate', kind='nearest')
# f = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x, z_nd, k=1.)
### reasigns the surface
y_eroded_surface = f1(x_nd)
#### Gets messed up near to the inflow
y_eroded_surface[x_nd < GEO.nd(Update_material_LHS_Length*u.kilometer )] = 0.[:,1] = y_eroded_surface[([:,1] > f1([:,0])) & ([:,0] != air.index)] = air.index[([:,1] < f1([:,0])) & ([:,0] == air.index)] = Sediment.index
I've managed to get it working on 2 processors locally, however when running on the cluster, the MPI broadcast doesn't send the data to each node. Here's the code:
def Erosion_diffusion_multiple_cpu():
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
from mpi4py import MPI
### collect surface data on each node
data = np.copy(np.ascontiguousarray([:]))
### sort by ascending x values
data = data[np.argsort(data[:, 0])]
#### empty numpy array to copy to create the spline function
### empty variables
surface_data = np.zeros((npoints,2))
# if uw.mpi.rank == 0:
# ### create buffer for the non deformed surface data
# surface_data = np.zeros((npoints,2))
uw.mpi.comm.Gather(data, surface_data, root=0)
print('gathered from ranks:', uw.mpi.rank, flush=True)
if uw.mpi.rank == 0:
### sort data into ascending x coord
surface_data = surface_data[np.argsort(surface_data[:, 0])]
### Erosion surface on the gathered data
### gets the x and y coordinates from the tracers
x = GEO.dimensionalise(surface_data[:,0], u.meter).magnitude
z = GEO.dimensionalise(surface_data[:,1], u.meter).magnitude
#### gets the distance between particles, estimate due to changing evolving surface
dx = (Model.maxCoord[0].to(u.meter).magnitude)/npoints
### time to diffuse surface based on model dt
total_time = (GEO.dimensionalise(Model._dt, u.year)).magnitude
#### diffusion constant for surface, m^2/year
D = ((1.0e2 * u.meter**2 / u.year).to(u.meter**2 / u.year)).magnitude
dt = min((0.2 * dx * dx / D), total_time)
# nts = int(round(total_time/dt))
nts = int(round(total_time/dt))
print('total time:', total_time, 'timestep:', dt, 'No. of its:', nts, flush=True)
z_orig = z.copy()
### Basic Hillslope diffusion
for i in range(nts):
qs = -D * np.diff(z)/dx
dzdt = -np.diff(qs)/dx
z[1:-1] += dzdt*dt
x_nd = GEO.nd(x*u.meter)
z_nd = GEO.nd(z*u.meter)
### creates function for the new surface that has eroded
f1 = interp1d(x_nd, z_nd, fill_value='extrapolate', kind='nearest')
# f = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x, z_nd, k=1.)
### reasigns the surface
y_eroded_surface = f1(x_nd)
#### Gets messed up near to the inflow
y_eroded_surface[x_nd < GEO.nd(Update_material_LHS_Length*u.kilometer )] = 0.
surface_data[:,0] = x_nd
surface_data[:,1] = y_eroded_surface
print('finished surface process on rank:', uw.mpi.rank, flush= True)
# # print('pre broadcast', flush=True)
# # ### broadcast spline to every node to update material
# # f1 = uw.mpi.comm.bcast(f1, root=0)
uw.mpi.comm.Bcast([surface_data, MPI.DOUBLE], root=0)
print('broadcast to rank:', uw.mpi.rank, flush=True)
and here's the output:
Step: 1 Model Time: 184823.5 year dt: 184823.5 year (2020-05-09 12:32:59)
gathered from ranks: 1
gathered from ranks: 2
gathered from ranks: 3
gathered from ranks: 0
total time: 184823.47748009962 timestep: 20.0 No. of its: 9241
finished surface process on rank: 0
broadcast to rank: 0
broadcast to rank: 1
broadcast to rank: 2
so it's hanging at the barrier as rank # 3 hasn't received the data. Any ideas would be great as the issue only occurs when on a larger number of cpus.
All good, realised I couldn't gather from certain processors that didn't have any data stored. Created a sub communicator group to handle only the nodes that had data on them:
def Erosion_diffusion_multiple_cpu():
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
from mpi4py import MPI
### collect surface data on each node
data = np.copy(np.ascontiguousarray([:]))
### sort by ascending x values
data = data[np.argsort(data[:, 0])]
#### empty numpy array to copy to create the spline function
### empty variables
surface_data = np.zeros((npoints,2))
### split comms up between 1 and 2, 1 with data 2 without
if data.shape[0] > 0.:
color = 1
f1 = None
print(uw.mpi.rank, color)
color = 2
print(uw.mpi.rank, color)
local_comm = uw.mpi.comm.Split(color)
local_rank = local_comm.Get_rank()
# print('local_comm', local_comm, 'main comm', uw.mpi.comm)
# print('local_rank', local_rank, 'main rank', uw.mpi.rank)
if color == 1:
local_comm.Gather(data, surface_data, root=0)
if local_rank == 0:
# if surface_data.shape[0]:
### sort data into ascending x coord
surface_data = surface_data[np.argsort(surface_data[:, 0])]
### Erosion surface on the gathered data
### gets the x and y coordinates from the tracers
x = GEO.dimensionalise(surface_data[:,0], u.meter).magnitude
z = GEO.dimensionalise(surface_data[:,1], u.meter).magnitude
#### gets the distance between particles, estimate due to changing evolving surface
dx = (Model.maxCoord[0].to(u.meter).magnitude)/npoints
### time to diffuse surface based on model dt
total_time = (GEO.dimensionalise(Model._dt, u.year)).magnitude
#### diffusion constant for surface, m^2/year
D = ((1.0e2 * u.meter**2 / u.year).to(u.meter**2 / u.year)).magnitude
dt = min((0.2 * dx * dx / D), total_time)
# nts = int(round(total_time/dt))
nts = int(round(total_time/dt))
print('total time:', total_time, 'timestep:', dt, 'No. of its:', nts, flush=True)
z_orig = z.copy()
### Basic Hillslope diffusion
for i in range(nts):
qs = -D * np.diff(z)/dx
dzdt = -np.diff(qs)/dx
z[1:-1] += dzdt*dt
x_nd = GEO.nd(x*u.meter)
z_nd = GEO.nd(z*u.meter)
### creates function for the new surface that has eroded
f1 = interp1d(x_nd, z_nd, fill_value='extrapolate', kind='nearest')
# f = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x, z_nd, k=1.)
### reasigns the surface
y_eroded_surface = f1(x_nd)
#### Gets messed up near to the inflow
y_eroded_surface[x_nd < GEO.nd(Update_material_LHS_Length*u.kilometer )] = 0.
surface_data[:,0] = x_nd
surface_data[:,1] = y_eroded_surface
print('finished surface process on rank:', uw.mpi.rank, flush= True)
f1 = local_comm.bcast(f1, root=0)
local_comm.Bcast([surface_data, MPI.DOUBLE], root=0)
print('broadcast to rank:', local_rank, uw.mpi.rank, flush=True)
print('replace data on:',local_rank, uw.mpi.rank, flush=True)
### replaces the new diffused surface data
#[:,0] = surface_data[:, 0][(surface_data[:, 0] >= min([:,0])) & (surface_data[:, 0] <= max([:,0]))][:,1] = f1([:,0]) #surface_data[:, 1][(surface_data[:, 0] >= min([:,0])) & (surface_data[:, 0] <= max([:,0]))]
print('update material on',local_rank, uw.mpi.rank, flush=True)[([:,1] > f1([:,0])) & ([:,0] != air.index)] = air.index[([:,1] < f1([:,0])) & ([:,0] == air.index)] = Sediment.index
print('finished updating material on local rank:', local_rank, 'global rank:', uw.mpi.rank, flush=True)
Oh, that's disappointing the mpi4py
doesn't handle this naturally. Good work with the solution in any case. If it gets unwieldy, a further option might be to simply send 1 dummy bit of data from all procs, and simply discard that the root proc.
I have only worked on surface processes for models on one node (up to 24 processors) and did not find any issue. But thanks for pointing this out and solve it.
Yeah was a struggle trying to work out why it was hanging. Thanks everyone for your help
Hi @julesghub @rbeucher,
I've managed to get a basic hill slope diffusion working on a single cpu, however it fails when running on multiple processors. I'm looking into parallelising it but can't seem to get it to work. Any help on getting it to run would be great.
Here's the working code in serial: