I am trying to build an imposed surface velocity condition of 3.5 cm/year from the trailing edge to a line of 300 km seaward of the trench in the example subduction model.
This is the velocity boundary condition I setting:
conditions = [(Model.y < GEO.nd(300* u.kilometre), GEO.nd(0 * u.centimetre/u.year)),
(True, GEO.nd(3.5*u.centimetre/u.year))]
function = fn.branching.conditional(conditions)
Model.set_velocityBCs(left = [0 ,None],
right = [function ,None],
bottom = [None, 0.],
top = [None, 0.])
The problem is the result doesn't change compared with the free-slip everywhere condition.
Hi, I am trying to build an imposed surface velocity condition of 3.5 cm/year from the trailing edge to a line of 300 km seaward of the trench in the example subduction model. This is the velocity boundary condition I setting:
The problem is the result doesn't change compared with the free-slip everywhere condition.
Please help