undessens / Lucibox

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Drum Machine #9

Open Omega-Phone opened 4 years ago

Omega-Phone commented 4 years ago


first of all thanks a lot for all the great work done !

After finishing my own looper, i was thinking about creating a drum machine that could work with lucibox. It should be an independent box with buttons matrix and controlled by another arduino board. When a key is pressed down it should play a song stored on the Rpi (without any sequencer stuff). So I have several questions :

Thanks a lot for taking a look to this issue !

AurelienConil commented 4 years ago

Hi there.

And thanks for supporting this experimental job. Actually only one serial port can be use at the time, so 1 arduino recognized as a serial port. But you can have a 2nd arduino recognized as a midi device ( arduino leonardo, arduino micro, or teensy ), or a keyboard device.

I already implemeted a "drum machine" that play a wav file when you press the button. Is that what you are looking for ? Do you feel ok with raspberry pi and linux stuff ( like using terminal, transferring file ) ? If yes, we are going to solve this issue quickly 😄

Omega-Phone commented 4 years ago

Good to know that there is only one arduino at the same time ! Actually my purpose is to be fully screen-less but with all the lucibox features available. So i would like to have a second box with several potentiometers to control volume of each channels, reverb, delay etc ... And an extra feature wich is a drum pad that can be able to play song when pressed and be looped as well in looper.

I saw something like a drum machine in this project, and if it is already implemented it's perfect ! So in your word, i should have a second µcontroller interpreted as MIDI device to control drum pad and other potentiometers ? And yes, i feel comfortable with terminal and Linux environment.
Thank for your answer ! :smiley:

Omega-Phone commented 4 years ago

Hi @AurelienConil, It could have been a misunderstanding because i was expecting an answer on how to include your drum machine patch to the main loopstation patch and then some tips concerning the hardware side (and how to recognize include a midi device in loopstation patch) :wink: Maybe you could help me doing this :+1:

Thanks in advance !

AurelienConil commented 4 years ago

Hi I am really sorry of the delay. You can have a look at the machine 6, called simple_samplerlooper. This a 12 sampler using loop, that follow the tempo, and can be pitched. Maybe this is more than a simple triggering sound system that you want, but this is quite nice. If you want to test it by yourself on your computer first, you will see 12 gui looper element, with a button "open" and button "delete" for each. Between these button, a simple toggle button allows you to trigger the loop as a sampler. Let say, this is a 12 channel looper, used as a sampler. Now the second point is mixiing the machine n°1 and the machine n°6