unfa / Sho

A 3D platformer game created in Godot 3
13 stars 2 forks source link

Allow running the game with less visual detail to improve performance on lower-end machines #9

Open unfa opened 3 years ago

unfa commented 3 years ago


Scaling down Particle amount. Simplifying shaders. Reducing draw distance Disabling dynamic shadows Disabling postprocessing (bloom, SSAO, tonemapping etc.)

xard-dev commented 3 years ago

Also rendering on less than native resolution can help on fullscreen.

This can be quickly tested with editor by setting following parameters in editor: Project Settings > Display > Window

xard-dev commented 3 years ago

On higher resolutions (like 4k) the Screen Space reflections create a very heavy performance hit. When turned off water and glass surfaces lose reflectivity but I guess that's nothing which wouldn't be fixable using a cube envmap.

unfa commented 3 years ago

Hmm. The problem with Reflection Probes (which render cubemaps) is that their results cannot be cached, so when they are spawned in the game, they freeze the game for a while while they render their stuff. I wish I could cache their data and avoid that, but I haven't found a way to do so.