unfoldedcircle / feature-and-bug-tracker

Feature and bug tracker repository for Unfolded Circle products
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Shut off device/activity state #260

Open WillTriumph1 opened 6 months ago

WillTriumph1 commented 6 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?


Please add an option to remove Harmony like device state. Need a way to use simple discrete codes to deterministically issue series of commands to use remote like any pronto or URC device, the majoprity of uses (and I suspect users). This is the ine killer challenge of successfully using the Two. Making the user lern to behave like the remote is even more frustrating than the remote programming itself.

Activity Groups are partially helpful, but you need to reset a device state for it to work properly when it is already in the preferred on or off state. Say you pointed a remote into into a dead zone an a device does not turn on. It is intuitiveto just turn it on again. In the stateful current approach you have to turn it oiff to turn it on, not simple try to turn it on again. Crazy. And if in an activity group correct switching occurs and state is set to on at next use it may again do nothing until shut off.

I hope this is a no brainer. The remote is great, but the operation is a regression from a straightforward use and acceptance.

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