unfoldedcircle / feature-and-bug-tracker

Feature and bug tracker repository for Unfolded Circle products
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Matter support #80

Open martonborzak opened 9 months ago

zehnm commented 1 week ago

Removed from Q4 2024 roadmap due to the following reason, which we posted in the forum and the Kickstarter comments:

We had high hopes in Matter that it would solve the common issues with different communication standards and hubs. Initially we had it on our roadmap for 2024 and were eager to get started.

Unfortunately, a lot of issues emerged with the standard development. Especially if the number of devices grew and devices from multiple manufacturers were involved. For these reasons we decided to wait until it is more mature, otherwise we simply cannot provide a good user experience or handle all the support requests.

We continue keeping an eye on this standard and start implementing as soon as we can.