unfoldingWord-dev / uw-android

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Poetry Indentation (support for \q) #157

Closed jag3773 closed 8 years ago

jag3773 commented 8 years ago

Poetry does not appear to be indented appropriately. Usually the \q code should indicate some level of indentation. Check Psalm 5 on https://bible.unfoldingword.org/ which shows the second line at the same indentation level as the first. Or Psalm 5 at http://www.esvbible.org/Psalm%205/ which shows the second line indented farther than the first line.

For the app, I think it will look best to indent the second (and subsequent) lines farther than the first line. Something like

1 Listen to my Cry, Yahweh;
    think about my groanings.
2 Listen to the sound of my Cry, my King and my God;
    for it is to you that I pray.
GottaGetSwifty commented 8 years ago

This is accomplished by putting a number after the \q tags. E.g. for your example:

1 \qListen to my Cry, Yahweh; \q2think about my groanings. 2 \qListen to the sound of my Cry, my King and my God; \q2for it is to you that I pray.

The app already supports this, other than the apparent bugs that have popped up.

jag3773 commented 8 years ago

Please see https://github.com/unfoldingWord-dev/ts-android/issues/760#issuecomment-151682709 for the correct implementation.

dwsolberg commented 8 years ago

Here's how I'm doing it right now: If a given quoted line extends farther than the screen, I wrap the line and indent it slightly.

I think you want to indent all quoted items in a verse. I think PJ's implementation might be the best answer. Otherwise, we're not following the USFM spec, which could cause issues later if we import other people's USFM files.

GottaGetSwifty commented 8 years ago


Page #37

jag3773 commented 8 years ago

"\q = \q1"

dwsolberg commented 8 years ago

Jesse, I'm not clear on \q = \q1 I know that's true, but my impression is that you wanted something to be extra indented, aka \q2

jag3773 commented 8 years ago

A screenshot of the correct implementation is at https://github.com/unfoldingWord-dev/ts-android/issues/760#issuecomment-151682709. The USFM that screenshot is showing is at https://github.com/unfoldingWord/ulb-en/blob/master/19-PSA.usfm#L49.

GottaGetSwifty commented 8 years ago

Fix complete for next release on android

dwsolberg commented 8 years ago

What did you do on this, PJ? I don't want to artificially indent against the USFM spec if there's another way.

GottaGetSwifty commented 8 years ago

@jag3773 After looking over the spec and discussing it with @dwsolberg, it looks like USFM indicates that \q tags apply to the following lines until either a different \q tag, or a paragraph break.

Since the lines before the verses on psalm 2 have a \q tag, the way it was rendering before was actually correct according to the spec.

Should we override this? Or should this be changed in the text?

jag3773 commented 8 years ago

I do see how you guys are reading the spec. I think we are reading "the level of indent" differently. I understand \q (or \q1) to be the first indent, e.g. not the standard alignment, but the first tab stop. For example:

This is normal text
  This is the first level of indent (\q)
    This is the second level of indent (\q2)
This is normal again

However, that does contradict the formatting examples that they give. Since both the ULB and UDB are currently expecting what I have described above, let's please implement it as I've described, and as is seen in https://github.com/unfoldingWord-dev/ts-android/issues/760#issuecomment-151682709.

GottaGetSwifty commented 8 years ago

Ok, in that case it should be working properly on android.

dwsolberg commented 8 years ago

@jag3773 That's how it is on iOS, too. It's just that when all the text is a quote, the first indent is the left margin.