unfoldingWord / dcs

Door43 Content Service
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Make juxtalinear burrito discoverable #381

Open DanielC-N opened 8 months ago

DanielC-N commented 8 months ago

Feature Description

We made a burrito for juxtalinear : https://git.door43.org/Xenizo/fr_tjx

We would like to query it via the api. We want scribe to work with it. The way it may work for now is with the option "subject=Juxtalinear". For e.g. we would have this query url : https://git.door43.org/api/v1/catalog/search?metadataType=rc&subject=Juxtalinear

We think that the changes should be made here : https://github.com/unfoldingWord/dcs/blob/e6abe7797e4031e4feaae0b8b26307e22457da8e/services/door43metadata/door43metadata.go#L351C42-L351C42

We need two cases under the case scripture.

For our flavor, we want to handle json files only (not usfm).
The rest of the burrito structure is unchanged.

Any help welcome.


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richmahn commented 8 months ago

@DanielC-N I believe your metadataType in the query would be sb, not rc.

DanielC-N commented 8 months ago

Right. I tried to query the api with this link : https://git.door43.org/api/v1/catalog/search?metadataType=sb But it returns nothing.

On the other hand, accessing it from the interface works : https://git.door43.org/explore/repos?q=metadata_type:sb

Am I doing something wrong?

richmahn commented 8 months ago

@DanielC-N It returns nothing because no one has released a scripture burrito. No work is done. If you add stage=latest then you'll see something.