unfoldingWord / gateway-edit

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Enhancement to the Alert modal indicating the resources with unsaved data #287

Open elsylambert opened 2 years ago

elsylambert commented 2 years ago

A modal should inform the user of what resources have unsaved changes: The dialog should read:

Some resources have unsaved changes that will be lost if you continue: TranslationAcademy TranslationWords

This is separated from #255


When a user attempts to navigate away from a book or the page, the user should be informed as to what resources have been changed without saving.

Additional Context

User Workflow

  1. Viewing Cards: User opens the main page and sees multiple resource cards.

  2. Editing: User edits one or more cards and makes changes to the text.

  3. Navigating Away: User tries to navigate away from the page or close the app.

  4. Detecting Changes: System detects that some resource cards have unsaved changes.

  5. Warning Dialog: A dialog appears, warning the user about the unsaved changes. This dialog lists the names of the resources corresponding to the changed cards.

  6. Decision Point:

    • *Cancel: User clicks the 'Cancel' button. This allows to save the resources that were changed.
    • OK: User clicks an 'OK' button. The dialog closes, and no changes are saved. The user navigates away, understanding the risk of losing changes.
birchamp commented 8 months ago

@kintsoogi does this have any overlap with what the merge dialog does when it informs users of unmerged resources?

birchamp commented 8 months ago

@PhotoNomad0 says that you "add in the handler and change the prompt that gets shown" on the beforeunload event handler.