unfoldingWord / translationCore

Repository for the desktop application translationCore
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SPIKE: Plan out architecture for making the app use aligned data #2879

Closed benjore closed 6 years ago

benjore commented 6 years ago

Moved to Wiki for future access/edits/maintainability: https://github.com/unfoldingWord-dev/translationCore/wiki/Post-Alignment-Change-Proposal

Alignment Data Changes

Previous Projects

Aligned Projects

Invalidated Alignments

Inline Markers such as Footnotes


Resource Bibles

Scripture Pane

Verse Check

Word Alignment Tool

TranslationWords Tool

Tools GroupData Menu

Core Helpers

Core Actions

Core Reducers

Alignment Prediction

klappy commented 6 years ago


[x] PostAlignment: Team to discuss changing aspects of data and areas to explore [x] PostAlignment: Explore changes for tC_Resources Importing (Manny) [x] PostAlignment: Explore changes for preserving punctuation (Klappy) [x] PostAlignment: Explore changes for Project Importing (Jay) [x] PostAlignment: Explore changes for Project Exporting (Jay) [x] PostAlignment: Explore changes on Core Helpers (Klappy) [x] PostAlignment: Explore changes on Core Actions (Klappy) [x] PostAlignment: Explore changes on Core Reducers [x] PostAlignment: Explore changes for App Data flow [x] PostAlignment: Explore changes for Tool Data flow [x] PostAlignment: Explore changes on Scripture Pane (Manny) [x] PostAlignment: Explore changes on Verse Check (Manny) [x] PostAlignment: Explore changes on translationWords tool (Klappy) [2] PostAlignment: Explore changes on wordAlignment tool [x] PostAlignment: Explore changes on USFM.js library (Klappy) [x] PostAlignment: Team to review proposed changes [6] PostAlignment: Team to explore holes and potential remaining issues [4] PostAlignment: Explore potential holes [4] PostAlignment: Explore remaining issues

mannycolon commented 6 years ago

Changes for tC_Resources Importing

Changes on Scripture Pane

mannycolon commented 6 years ago

Changes on Verse Check

klappy commented 6 years ago

Preserving Punctuation

resourcesReducer.bibles.targetLanguage[1][1] #=> "Jesus, wept."

  { word: 'Jesus', attributes: '...' },
  { text: ', ' },
  { word: 'wept', attributes: '...' },
  { text: '.' }

There are quite a few places in the code base that join the BHP words into a string. If we were to create a helper for doing this it would be in a single place, and extend it for things other than words/punctuation.

  { word: 'Jesus' attributes: '...' },
  { text: 'Christ. Here is the rest of the verse.' },
  { footnote: 'Here is a foot note that needs to be preserved but not words in the verse.' }
klappy commented 6 years ago

Core Helpers

klappy commented 6 years ago

Core Actions

Core Reducers

Other Changes

klappy commented 6 years ago

translationWords Tool

Other Changes

klappy commented 6 years ago


Scripture Pane

Other Changes