unfoldingWord / translationCore

Repository for the desktop application translationCore
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Critical Error screen when opening an old project aligned with the older version of Original language #7592

Open elsylambert opened 2 days ago

elsylambert commented 2 days ago

translationCore 3.6.6 (635b02f). Project: en_teso_tit_book.zip

tC project on DCS: https://git.door43.org/ElsyLambert/en_teso_tit_book This project is five years old aligned with older version of ugnt(as per the manifest file)

After I did online import of the project and tried to open in tC, it threw critical error screen for the first time I opened.

Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 8.51.01 AM.png

Clicked on "Go to Projects" on the error screen and opened the same project again, and saw no error. Not even when I opened the tools. I checked the Manifest file for the project under Projects folder an dsaw that the ugnt version was latest. Is this expected behaviour? @PhotoNomad0 Log files here: Tue Sep 17 2024.log.zip

PhotoNomad0 commented 1 day ago

@elsylambert it won't let me open the screenshot (permissions error? https://camo.githubusercontent.com/37d2ae5bb85605f67c95b43d17709dacc738d04ba63c7d93e832fb6854a7504d/68747470733a2f2f6170692e7a656e6875622e636f6d2f617474616368656446696c65732f65794a66636d467062484d694f6e73696257567a6332466e5a534936496b4a4261484242656c526c516d633950534973496d563463434936626e56736243776963485679496a6f69596d7876596c39705a434a3966513d3d2d2d616265303963316431326166386534346433663163353666346336346563656166633962623161342f53637265656e73686f74253230323032342d30392d31372532306174253230382e35312e3031254532253830254146414d2e706e67).

Also having trouble with the project link - it doesn't exist on DCS. Did you mean https://git.door43.org/ElsyLambert/en_tes_tit_book

PhotoNomad0 commented 1 day ago

@elsylambert Sorry, but I cannot reproduce a fault using translationCore 3.6.6 (635b02f). I tried downloadinghttps://git.door43.org/ElsyLambert/en_tes_tit_book and opening your zip file with empty resources file.

Are you testing with LITE install or MAX install?

elsylambert commented 1 day ago

@PhotoNomad0 Here is the project on DCS: https://git.door43.org/ElsyLambert/en_teso_tit_book When I had imported the project, it TC renamed the Repo cause I had the same project name in my local. Sorry my bad, I forgot to update the links in the issue.

elsylambert commented 1 day ago

I am testing with MAX install on Mac machine with translationCore 3.6.6 (635b02f).