unfoldtoolbox / Unfold.jl

Neuroimaging (EEG, fMRI, pupil ...) regression analysis in Julia
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saving files #111

Closed behinger closed 1 year ago

behinger commented 1 year ago

Saved files can be quite large - play around with @save filename.JLD2 {compress} ??

Check why files of a single subject with 128 channels can be 2gb large - seems too big

behinger commented 1 year ago
function save(file,uf::T;compress=false) where T<:UnfoldModel
    jldopen(file, "w"; compress = compress) do f
        f["uf"] = T(uf.design,Unfold.DesignMatrix(designmatrix(uf).formulas,missing,designmatrix(uf).events),uf.modelfit)
function load(file,::Type{<:UnfoldModel})
    f = jldopen(file, "r") 
    uf = f["uf"]

    form = designmatrix(uf).formulas
    events = designmatrix(uf).events

    X = Unfold.modelcols(form.rhs, events)

    # reintegrate the designmatrix
    return typeof(uf)(uf.design,Unfold.DesignMatrix(form,X,events),uf.modelfit)


@jschepers can you try this out with an realistic UnfoldFile?

These tools might be helpful:

pretty_filesize(x) = Base.format_bytes(filesize(x))
pretty_summarysize(x) = Base.format_bytes(Base.summarysize(x))
    @time save(joinpath(tempdir(),"test3.jld2"),m;compress=true)
    @time save(joinpath(tempdir(),"test4.jld2"),m;compress=false)

    sizex = x->pretty_filesize(joinpath(tempdir(),"test$x.jld2"))

    @show pretty_summarysize(m)
    for k = 1:4
        @show sizex(k)

@time m2 = load(joinpath(tempdir(),"test4.jld2"),UnfoldModel)
m.designmatrix.Xs == m2.designmatrix.Xs