unfoldtoolbox / UnfoldBIDS.jl

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Implement summarize events for multiple subjects #48

Open ReneSkukies opened 1 year ago

ReneSkukies commented 1 year ago
          > > summarise_events doesnt exist :(

Can you remind me again what the functionality is? Basically just a DF with unique events and count and such? (what would be useful here?)

I think I simply got cofused in the Readme.md as it is still included there :-D

I think I envisioned some kind of text-summary of events (e.g. frequency, which events how many times) - potentially also a matrix, which event is followed by which event (and how much overlap? dunno how to do that). Also maybe a range of each variable (or a in-line histogram) ~~ cue some procrastiation music ~~ oookay, and here I have a prototype for this

    using UnicodePlots
    using Term
    using Printf
    using Statistics

h(name,d) = 
TextBox(@sprintf("{bold}%s{/bold} \nμ=%.2f,σ=%.2f\nmin=%.2f\nmax=%.2f",name,mean(d),std(d),minimum(d),maximum(d)),fit=true,) * 


should be easily stackable for multi-event purposes :)

Edit: Number of events would be nice as a number too

EditEdit: This requires UnicodePlots.jl as a requirement

Originally posted by @behinger in https://github.com/ReneSkukies/UnfoldBIDS.jl/issues/35#issuecomment-1615083582

ReneSkukies commented 7 months ago

Update on this + ToDos: