unfoldtoolbox / UnfoldMakie.jl

Plotting tools for Unfold.jl based on Makie.jl and AlgebraOfGraphics.jl
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Designmatrix #45

Open behinger opened 1 year ago

behinger commented 1 year ago
behinger commented 2 weeks ago

maybe use the spy! function (currently needs explicit marker=:circle)

kimkroener commented 2 weeks ago

Using spy in a figure like this

X_oc = modelmatrix(m_overlapCorr);
        sfreq = 100
        nsamples = 500
        evts_τ = 0.4*sfreq
        n_τ = size(data_epochs, 2) 

        f = Figure();

        ax = Axis(f[1,1], title = "Sparcity Pattern of the Model Matrix",
        xlabel="Trials (global time t)", ylabel="Conditions (local time τ)")

        # sparsity pattern
        sp = spy!(ax, X_oc[1:nsamples,:], 
            marker = :cross, markersize=4, 
            colormap = :PuOr, #colormap = cgrad(:Spectral, 9, categorical = true)) 
            colorrange = (-4, 4), 
            framecolor = :transparent,
            nan_color = :green

        # indicate events 
        vl_evts = vlines!(evts[evts.latency .<= nsamples, :latency],
            color=:green, alpha=0.2,

        hl_evts = hlines!([evts_τ, evts_τ+n_τ, evts_τ+n_τ*2], 
            color=:green, alpha=0.2,

        # separate linear comp. in formula
        hl = hlines!([n_τ, n_τ*2]; color=:grey, alpha=0.6) 

        hidedecorations!(ax, ticks=false, label=false, ticklabels=false) 
        Colorbar(f[2,1], sp, vertical=false)

            [sp, [vl_evts, hl_evts]],
            ["entries in the sparse matrix", "events"]


results in the plot spy_modelmatrix

It would be nice to rotate the plot 90 degree clockwise to actually match the matrix pattern