unfulvio / wp-api-menus

:abcd: Menu routes for WordPress JSON REST API.
GNU General Public License v2.0
140 stars 59 forks source link

Future of this plugin development #60

Open unfulvio opened 3 years ago

unfulvio commented 3 years ago

Hey there,

I'm sorry if I have unanswered many issues opened here, or support requests on WordPress.org.

It's a shame, I just don't have the time to maintain the plugin.

In the past few years I've added some collaborators to this project:

Please let me know if you're still actively monitoring this project as collaborators and if you'd like to coordinate with each other.

If there's interest, I would recommend that the project has a coordinator or a lead. So I'd advise for some of you to commit to that role than just patching the plugin.

Eventually this person could also get authorship on WordPress.org and publish updates moving forward.

Cheers and thanks for having shown interest and support for a plugin born out of a side project to support some personal/work projects I had back then several years ago! :)

fahrradflucht commented 3 years ago

I'm not using this plugin anymore nor have I written serious WordPress code in ages. I'm probably not a good fit to move this forward.

thefrosty commented 3 years ago

I can say that myself and my company are using this, which is why I've asked for contributor access. I would love to get .org access too, just let me know what you would like to see before that it completed.

I can also say that with https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/40878 in flight for WordPress 5.6, this repo and the .org one can be safely deprecated by this time next year (maybe). So contributor support could be limited to just 5.5's breaking changes.


unfulvio commented 3 years ago

Thanks! I am actually surprised that this feature (menu support in the REST API) didn't land in core for so so long. That wouldn't be the longest thing in WordPress, but given all the attention that REST/JS had in the recent years is the surprising bit.

Back then I was developing single-page apps/websites with a frontend/theme in JS and I needed menu endpoints. I never focused on this plugin afterwards, I always thought it was meant to be short lived and not working any longer with themes I didn't feel I could drive its development by fist hand experiences.

If you submit a PR with all the changes and test the plugin, then you could edit the readme assets and add your name there. Please update stable tag, version number, etc. Then, I should be able to issue a SVN update (fingers crossed, I don't even know the deploy scripts still work lol) and ad that point you'd also have SVN commit rights.

thefrosty commented 3 years ago

Opened the PR for version 1.3.2 #61

thefrosty commented 3 years ago

Looks like the packagist is tied to your old GitHub handle, looking into it a bit more: https://packagist.org/packages/nekojira/wp-api-menus

mckernanin commented 3 years ago

I am also not working in WP anymore.

thefrosty commented 3 years ago

This only needs to be supported for the next ~four months until it's exposed in core.

unfulvio commented 3 years ago

Alright thanks @thefrosty I've published the new version on WordPress.org - thanks for your help. Perhaps when things are stable we can issue a final version to warn about deprecation / invite people to switch and then and retire the plugin later on.

thefrosty commented 3 years ago

Absolutely, I'll check in on things as we inch closer to menus in core.

acafourek commented 3 years ago

@unfulvio my team is actively using a forked version of the plugin on a few production sites and I'd love to see it continue until we have core support. It looks like WP ticket 40878 has been pushed to "Future Release" since mid-2020.

I'd be happy to help maintain going forward - will also clean up our forked version and open a PR to add support for specifying which menu IDs to return from the endpoint

unfulvio commented 3 years ago

hey @acafourek thanks for offering. I have not been following up with WP core dev WRT menu items. @thefrosty are you still also working actively on this plugin in the meantime support is added natively? Just mentioning you here in case you'd want to have @acafourek as another collaborator on the project and if you guys would like teaming up. Thanks

thefrosty commented 3 years ago

I am actively using the plugin, but haven't needed any new features. We have a modification externally to filter "items" in the /menus response but not a need to make any updates currently for support until core adopts menus.

thefrosty commented 2 years ago

After nearly two and half years of work, the menu, menu item and menu locations REST API endpoints are finally merged into WordPress core. https://core.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/52079

Saggitarie commented 2 years ago

When is this going to be released?

jwanner83 commented 2 years ago

@Saggitarie the milestone, according to this issue (https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/40878), is 5.9, but they are still fixing some bugs in the code as you can see in the comments.

thefrosty commented 2 years ago

WordPress 5.9 Menus endpoints: https://make.wordpress.org/core/2022/01/24/menus-endpoints-in-wordpress-5-9/

I will likely push an updated version with a version check to return if WordPress is greater than 5.9 with a notice.

thefrosty commented 2 years ago
