ungoogled-software / ungoogled-chromium-debian

Debian, Ubuntu, and others packaging for ungoogled-chromium
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Can't use Debian repository with Devuan Excalibur / Debian Trixie #336

Open eyalroz opened 8 months ago

eyalroz commented 8 months ago

I've followed the instructions for apt-based installation on Debian, on my Devuan GNU/Linux Excalibur (which is basically Debian Trixie without systemd). I get:

 ungoogled-chromium : Depends: libre2-9 (>= 20201101+dfsg) but it is not installable

the distribution has libre2-10 installed.

SugaryHull commented 8 months ago

I've followed the instructions for apt-based installation on Debian, on my Devuan GNU/Linux Excalibur (which is basically Debian Trixie without systemd). I get:

 ungoogled-chromium : Depends: libre2-9 (>= 20201101+dfsg) but it is not installable

the distribution has libre2-10 installed.

Debian started using the bundled version of re2 in Bookworm and (presumably) Sid a while ago (libre2-9 was missing a function in the version included with Debian that caused Tensorflow to fail to build). This packaging hasn't been updated since before that change. In addition, libre2-9 isn't packaged in Trixie, but is packaged in Sid, for some reason.

eyalroz commented 8 months ago

In addition, libre2-9 isn't packaged in Trixie, but is packaged in Sid, for some reason.

Ok, so... is it possible to arrange for an apt repository which is compatible with Trixie?

iskunk commented 8 months ago

Ok, so... is it possible to arrange for an apt repository which is compatible with Trixie?

That is forthcoming. With the conversion framework under the convert/ subdirectory, it will be possible to "ungoogle" a Debian Chromium package, and the goal will be to have u-c Debian packages for oldstable, stable, and unstable. (Not sure about testing/trixie yet, since that is effectively just a promoted unstable build.) I just need to get the automation in order so that packages are turned around as soon as Debian puts them out.

I haven't looked into Devuan yet. Is it enough to provide Debian-built packages to support that distro?

SugaryHull commented 8 months ago

That is forthcoming. With the conversion framework under the convert/ subdirectory, it will be possible to "ungoogle" a Debian Chromium package, and the goal will be to have u-c Debian packages for oldstable, stable, and unstable. (Not sure about testing/trixie yet, since that is effectively just a promoted unstable build.) I just need to get the automation in order so that packages are turned around as soon as Debian puts them out.

I haven't been able to get the convert/ packaging to work for me, which is why I went back to updating the Debian packaging for Chromium 120.

I haven't looked into Devuan yet. Is it enough to provide Debian-built packages to support that

If I had to guess, Devuan probably doesn't make any changes to Chromium because it doesn't depend on systemd directly.

iskunk commented 8 months ago

I haven't been able to get the convert/ packaging to work for me, which is why I went back to updating the Debian packaging for Chromium 120.

Could you show me what problems it's giving you, so I can reproduce them? (Best in a separate issue, of course.) That piece is very much at the "it should be working" stage... and if I can save you the trouble of more or less retreading Debian's debianization work, then there's good reason to fix whatever is breaking.

If I had to guess, Devuan probably doesn't make any changes to Chromium because it doesn't depend on systemd directly.

And I presume their releases are matched to Debian's (same glibc version, etc.). Just need to make sure whether a separate build (or even separate source) will be required. First-class support for the distro will be just an incremental addition on top of Debian/Ubuntu in any event.

eyalroz commented 8 months ago

I haven't looked into Devuan yet. Is it enough to provide Debian-built packages to support that distro?

Generally the answer is yes, it is sufficient. The exception would be if chromium interacts with systemd somehow.

salfter commented 4 months ago

libre2-9 isn't packaged in Sid anymore AFAICT. I was able to retrieve it from here for a recent installation; I installed it with sudo dpkg -i libre2-9_20220601+dfsg-1_amd64.deb (which I hope doesn't break apt's dependency management...still kinda new to Debian; been running Gentoo for over a decade).

iskunk commented 4 months ago

@salfter, which package of ungoogled-chromium are you using?

salfter commented 3 months ago

If I remember right, I was following the directions at https://github.com/ungoogled-software/ungoogled-chromium-debian?tab=readme-ov-file, which in turn links to https://software.opensuse.org//download.html?project=home%3Aungoogled_chromium&package=ungoogled-chromium.

I've since replaced Debian with Arch, which for me has resolved several other problems in addition to this one.

iskunk commented 3 months ago

I see. That package you were trying to install is ooooooold. There is an alternative process for providing ungoogled-chromium for Debian, but I am still working on the automation that will keep the download page up-to-date.

Sorry to hear Debian didn't work out for you, but you're in good hands with Arch.